.Chapter Four.

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#Dead 💐😇👻

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#Dead 💐😇👻


Her breathing was fast as she tried taking in all his features. His sharp jaw which could anything. His plumpy pink lips.

Meanwhile he looked at her with the eyes that had nothing but hate.

Her tears were slowly traced down her cheek as they dropped on the floor. Jungkook's hand slowly went up to hold her neck as he pushed her closer.

She winced in pain. Her mouth was so close to his making their breath mixed with each other. Jungkook's eyes were boring into hers.

She raised her hand again and she pointed to her mouth. Before she could do anything else, the boy sighed annoyed by her behaviour.

Little did he know that she was hurt. The pain on her wrist was much less than the one in her heart. She wanted to go back and just lock herself in her room. Like she used to do when anyone tried to take advantage of her muteness.

"Just fucking answer me!! Speak!" He yelled again as his chest heaved fast. Jungkook's mouth was nearing hers as their lips were nearly close. Her neck displaying her veins as her tongue ran over her bottom lip.

Jungkook was taken aback when a sudden voice spoke from behind.

"She's mute Jungkook." Jungkook's eyes widened as moved back. Y/n rubbed her now bruised wrist. Her tears not thinking of stopping anytime soon. She didn't know what to do now.

Run away or stay..

"I-I am sorry." This time he spoke softly as he eyed the girl with pity eyes. She hated it. Everyone who knew her secret would always giver her those pity eyes. She didn't know why but this time it was hurting even more. Hearing it from her own soon to be husband.

The brunette quickly wiped her tears as she covered her wrist before shaking her hand. Saying it was okay again.


As they both sat in front of the parents. They felt a bit awkward. The way all of them looked at them was weird.

"So you are saying that you are okay with getting engaged tomorrow." Jungkook nods before the girl who has been looking down all the time also nodded. Mr Lee looked at his precious daughter with sad eyes. He never wanted to do this to her but he had to. His father gave his words and it will be a shame to the family to take it back.

Well it will be a different story if Mr Jeon rejects it.

"Okay if that's what you guys want. We will set the engagement on the same day as the marriage and it will happen tomorrow on Y/n' s birthday." Jungkook's father spoke as he fixed his blue coat before looking at his wife who politely smiled.

Jungkook could feel his heart beat increase when he imagined his whole life with her. The thought of it, making him feel all this weird things. He didn't know why but it was the first time it has ever happened to him that he didn't feel mad at his parents decision.

Turning his head to the side he looked at the girl who was sitting silently. The voices of their parents in the background as he tried to speak to the girl again. His hand moving upwards to grab her shoulder but before he could do anything. His phone rang.

He quickly took his hand away as he took his black phone out from his back pocket. "Yea?"Coldly he answered the call as if he was annoyed by the person who was on the phone.

"What!?" He yelled before standing up, getting all the attention from the two old couples in front and his soon to be wife. "I will there." His breath was uneven and his voice sounded nervous.

"Sorry, appa. I have to go now. The nochu gang is here." He spoke while running back to the main door of the mansion with Jimin following him behind.


The Nochu gang crossed the border and now they were here entering the place they always wanted to get. Korea.

The man in black coat and scarf sniffed the cold air before he released it. His smile saying everything as he managed to say some words.

"Finally I'm here. It will be nice to see my crushes wedding. Don't you think so." The whole gang was quiet before one of them nodded.

"We should leave to the hotel now. Young master." The old man who seemed like his asistant spoke making the young man to pout. "why so early. I want to meet her first." The old shook his head before he signed the driver to get the car ready to go to hotel.

"Kim Taehyung. Your father has given me strict order to go to the hotel. We have informed Jungkook. He will be waiting there for you." This time the man forgot all the formalities. The beautiful man known as Taehyung only shrugged before siting inside the car.

"I guess I will see her on the wedding than."



Hope you guys like it.

This might be boring but it will get interesting later on. I promise.

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