.Chapter Twenty.

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This chapter will probably solve all the confusion...Longest chapter 

Please read all of it to get rid of the confusion you might have. It might be boring!!



It was Mrs Park's second time that she was pregnant. She was sweaty and tired from all the pushes and screams but smiled when she heard the cries of her princess. The doctors smiled as they showed the girl to the mother. But they soon gasped when they saw something.  

"There is one more. Please push one more time Mrs Park." The lady doctor spoke. The mother had her eyes closed as she tried again. 

"AHhhhh!" She screamed. It was hurting like shit. It felt as if everything inside her body was misplaced. 

It didn't take much when the baby was out but no cries were heard like before. It looked as if she was crying but there was no voice. This made Mrs Park look up to the doctors. "What happened? Why isn't she crying?" 

The doctor looked down sadly before checking on the girl. Later they informed the mother that her second daughter was mute. 

"What!?" It broke her heart. She cried her heart out thinking how her daughter will live in this cruel world. But she got herself together since she knew it was all in god's hand and maybe that's what he wanted. 

After recovering from the news she nods her head before telling doctors to give her two cuties. 

In both hands she had her daughter while Mr Park caressed their cheeks lightly. "They look so alike." The mother nods. "Well that's why they are twins." He laughed at that before pecking their head. 

Just then little steps could be heard as he made his way inside the room. His eyes fell on the two small creatures his mother was holding. "Come here Jimin. Don't you want to hold your sisters?" Jimin happily smiled before he skipped to his mother. 

"They look so sleepy." He spoke in his still baby voice. Even though he was 8 years old he was still known in the Park family for being cute every time. Whatever he did, always came out cute.

"Aigoo, I don't know who's cute Jiminie or my two little princess." The family laughed at that. They were having their best time ever when suddenly Mr Park  took out his phone.. 

"Let's take a picture (this is the photo Mr park was holding in the 16 chapter)." Everyone turned their attention to the phone's screen. 

After it was done. They had to decide the names of the two girls but Mrs Park had something else in her mind. She was known for her weird ways of doing things. She smiled cheekily at her husband.

"Why?" He laughed seeing her face. 

"I know the name for them. Y/n..." 

"What? For both of them."  Mr park had his eyes widened as he stared at his wife. 

Mrs Park smiled before she looked down. Her eyes were now serious. "I always thought of this. I want to name them Y/n because this name has a lot of meanings. It's unique and I can't think of any other better name rather than that. So not being mean to my daughters. Both of their names to be Y/n." Mr park clapped his hands at that. 

"How was it? Do you like it Jimin?" Jimin smiled as he nodded. His hands holding one of his sister in his arms carefully. But what he didn't know was that it will be the last time he will ever hold this Y/n in his arms. 

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