.Chapter Seven.

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Okay do not kill me. I have so many things going on I was kind of busy. That's why didn't update. But if anyone reading this still. LOve you...


She walked slowly as her eyes remained on the floor. Her heart was beating at a faster speed when she lifted her head to meet his cold eyes. 

'Well, you got to bear with him as long as it is planned Y/n' She spoke to herself before taking a deep breath. She could see Taehyung in the crowd smirking as she reached the stage. Jungkook took her hand from her father before pulling her by his side. 

"I hope you treat her well Jungkook." Jungkook softly nods giving Mr Lee a smile as he turned to the front to see the church father.

"Should we start?" The person in front spoke as he brought the book in front of him. Jungkook looked at her from the corner of his eyes before nodding. Y/n did the same before sighing as the vows begin. 


Wine glasses were clinking together. Laughter were filling the hall while the bride and groom stood there in the corner quietly. Jungkook didn't know what to say and Y/n was also quiet. The girl pressed the earpiece hiding behind her hair closer. 

'New Order from Boss. Come to the garden and meet me.' Y/n hissed before rolling her eyes. She looked at her 'husband'. Her hands were sweating remembering how harsh he was yesterday. The girl could never forget. 

Her heart was beating out of her chest before she gulped the knot in her throat. This is the only thing she was waiting for since she joined them. And now when she finally has the time, there is nothing but nervousness. 

Writing on her phone. She showed it to Jungkook who simply nods before gulping the drink in his hand. Y/n wasted no time but to leave straight after. 

After a while when she was in the garden, her eyes  tried looking for Taehyung. When she couldn't find him she turned around and was about to leave when a hand was on her mouth. Stopping her from screaming.

She was ready to kick that ass when his husky voice rang inside her ears. The girl relaxed as the man took her to the backyard. His eyes were scanning the girl while she stood there with her eyes rolling backwards. 

"Looking hot." 

"Why did you call me? Get to the point." Her cold voice made the poor flirty boy shut his mouth before he leaned in closer. 

"It was nice kissing you today. I think you wouldn't mind if---" he trailed his words as his lips were coming closer. Y/n  did nothing but put her index finger on his lips. Pushing him away she took the gun from the gun holder pouch on her thigh under her dress. 

"One more word Kim Taehyung and I won't hesitate to put all these bullets inside your throat. You get me. And about that kiss. You forced it. I let go that time but if that happens again. You are gone.." Taehyung threw his hands up before he walked backwards. 

Leaving space in between them. "Sorry. Sorry." He said before taking something out from his pocket. 

"Here." Y/n snatched the pages from him before she scanned it. 

"This is the to do list in your marriage life. We need to know about the Jeons deals." Taehyung bit his lip as he couldn't help but eye you scanning the papers.

"Jackson? Jackson Wang? We need to know about him?" Taehyung quickly came to his senses before nodding his head. "He's the leader of the Chinese top gang. He does all the drug deals, killing and anything just name it. All we need for now is the proof of the deals."

Y/n eyed the papers one last time before giving them back to him. "Can't take any risk. So just take it with you. " 

The boy simply took them and gave her an impressed impression. "That's why we call you the  best agent." Taehyung spoke before he let Y/n walk away first. 


(This is what you need to get rid of the confusion.) 

The hospital was so busy as the doctors and nurses were running around. There were armed men everywhere in the hospital as they guarded a certain room. 

The doctors were sweating. There faces were showing nothing but fear and why wouldn't they? The Kkangpu's leaders daughter was getting operated. There was too much external bleeding and they knew that it would hard for them to bring her to life. 

But they were still trying because of the restless father outside. Who didn't wanted to believe his 8 years old daughter was dead. 

Just than the window of the operation room opened. All the doctors were shocked  as they eyed the two man and a child. 

"Who are you? What are you doing!?" The doctors were about to yell when the pale man in front shushed him. "Is she dead?" The doctors were shaking in fear as they eyed each other. One of them was about to open the door when the other man next to the pale one ran and placed his gun on that doctors head.

"Open it and you are dead."The doctor nearly peed when he saw the gun. He walked backwards before hiding behind the other doctor. 

"Y/n you know what to do right?" The small girl next to the pale man nods as she looked at the girl on the bed who had the same face as hers. She was trained at a small age for this and she knew what she had to do. 

"We will take the dead body just put her in place and tell him that she's his real Y/n." The doctor nodded not wanting to die. He has a family to feed too. The girl who was still amazed by the same features as the dead girl walked towards the bed. Her hands clutching the same dress her mother gave y/n before she disappeared. 

Funnily enough the dead girl also had the same dress. She was confused now. Is she even living real life. Or are there more secrets to come. 

The other man who looked like a prince,  picked the dead girl from the bed before making sure Y/n was there and her bruises were identical to the other girl. 

"Y/n you are going to be mute from now on and don't ever act weird just act like what we have told you and taught you. Okay?" The small Y/n nods her head before lying completely on the bed. 

This is where her thrilling life was going to take another weird turn.

Her eyes were closed as she waited for all of them to leave. Once they were all out she sighed. The doctors also went outside happy that they won't get killed by the Mr Lee since they have 'saved' his daughter. 

Everything was confusing. The Nochu gang which apparently wasn't a gang but an secret agency was playing with Y/n's life since the day she was born. They were using her as their weapon to get inside the gang world. 

And she didn't mind because she still don't know how she even met the agency when she was so little. Where her real parents are? Are they even alive? Is she even herself or just someone else identity. 

Is her name even Y/n? or something else? These were all mysteries and she still hasn't got any answers for them. Yet. 


I know it's boring but this is just what happened but there is more so please wait for more updates.


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