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I'm wishing for something
that will take me away
from all of this.
I'm searching for that feeling
of going on a relaxed adventure
with no obligation to time.
I want to escape time
in mountains,
and you.
You, whoever you are.
I try to replace your voice
when I read with
the voices of others.
I think this causes issues
outside of you
because I need not
think of anyone but you.
It is only painful.
They keep stabbing me
and I run back to you
by drowning myself in books.
Yet the loneliness
of only getting
a semblance of your voice
is painful in itself.
I am so tired.
Would you like to
escape with me
into the mountains
somewhere pretty?
I already know
it won't be near as pretty
as whatever your beauty
is similar to,
but I'd like that,
We can drench ourselves
in the mere comforts
of timelessness
and in the stars.
And if it rains,
we can hide under
the covers in silence.
The only sound
of necessity is the rain,
and I hope that you
enjoy it like I do.
I feel like for that time,
I never have to leave your arms.
I never want to leave your arms
because they are
the only thing
that feels like
it makes the cruelty
in life dissipate.

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