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Chapter twenty
||• You're not my biological daughter•||

Ferry and I haven't slept all night. It was crazy to think Pops had cheated on Mama and not tell her. One thing we'd never expected from him. We had fed ourselves of thinking our parents were this perfect couple and we wanted to be just like them growing up. It was true, every family have nasty secrets. Food was staring at us, neither me or Ferry wanted to eat.

"I thought having affairs with personal assistants only happen in books and movies?"

"Apparently it happens in reality," she answered.

Yesterday was too much drama. The will reading will continue today. Ferry and I had gotten everything ready. We cleaned the house, bought drinks, snacks and food.


Everyone came one by one. Nobody was talking to nobody. They were all quiet. Tee quickly gave me a hug and sat next to me.

"We shall try this again in a few minutes," William said. He looked at his watch. I'm guessing he was looking out for the secret child.

"I'll get it," I said when there was a knock on the door.

"Oh hey Nick. I'm sorry mate but we have family stuff going on right now. Maybe come tomorrow?"

Before he could respond, his mum showed up behind him. I put two and two together. It can't be. Nick was my brother.

"It all makes sense now"-  I didn't even have a chance to say anything else when everything went black.

Yes I have a problem with passing out.


I woke up and all the attention was turned towards me. My head was hurting like a b*tch. "Fur I had the most messed up dream.."- Oh Lordy it was not.

"It's not a dream Moochi. Nick is the secret son, our brother." She helped me up and sat me down on the couch.

"You know each other?" William asked.

"That's our friend. We've known him our entire lives. I can't believe he is the secret son and has been under our noses this all time." Tee said.

It was like this family was cursed or something.

"Mrs Brown you didn't have an affair with my Pops, have you? Same goes for you Mr Brown, none of us is your daughter right?" I didn't take any chances.

We all turned to look at the Browns even Tee too. It was laughable but not in this momento. "Stop it, of course not," Mrs Brown reassured us but Mr Brown looked down.

"Mr Brown?" Ferry questioned him. Once she realised he wasn't responding, she asked for the will to be continued.

"Now that you've meet your brother, it's time for the second letter. This letter is about Fenty Magoro."

As he was about to continue, he was interrupted. The will and the letter about Nick being my father's son had to be reread. I didn't know why they didn't just bring him and his mom to the first one.

"My son is the only son of Terry Magoro. I think there has been a mistake. Hundred percent of the company should be given to him. Not only it's traditional to give it to the son but because it's fair. And half of everyone's inheritances. A son carries the father's legacy after all. Why does that boy get to have the thirsty percent when he isn't family."

"Not today, you got to be kidding me. Is this woman for real right now?" My sister took the words right out of my mouth.

"Woman, your son owns fifty percent of the company, don't be ungrateful. Don't forget you used him to get money for your own good. And Terry's legacy was already being carried by his two girls and now with the son by their side, what seemed to be the problem?" Mrs brown snapped.

"And don't feel the need to have a say in things as if you're family, home wrecker. Your son is family not you. By the way, this boy you're referring to have a name and has been like a son to my brother in law." Aunty Mary snapped her fingers at Mrs Jackson. My eyes even got hurt from all her eye rolls.

Nick was incandescent at how his mum was not taking anything serious. The woman seemed to be worrying about money and inheritance just like aunty Gladys. She didn't bothered to tell her son or prepared him for this event.

"I just learned that I was kept a secret and all you're thinking about is money and inheritance, mother? You told me my father was dead. I had to learn to live without a father. I don't want anything to do with you."

I've never seen Nick in so much hurt before. He felt excluded by his own mother and father. He didn't deserve that, nobody does. I got up to comfort him but he pushed me away, causing me to badly dislocate my shoulder. I screamed in pain.

Tee immediately got off of the couch first before everyone, "Nick what the hell. I understand what you're going through but don't take it out on Princess."

"Fenty, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to push you."

"Baby you're okay?" Uncle T asked and I nodded.

Ferry relocated my shoulder on the count of what I thought was three but turned out to be on two.

I hate will reading.

"The letter about Fenty Magoro," William just wanted to finish his job and leave this crazy family I bet you.

"Moochi is still a child, she doesn't have to know." Mr Brown said.

"Yes she's only a kid." Uncle T agreed with him.

William said that he was here to do what he was told to do. He couldn't do anything about it.

Everything was so confusing and all over the place. Why did my parents had to die. Things are so complicated and I didn't know who to trust. I didn't know what to think.

My parents had always handled all sort of things and we didn't have to deal with anything. Ferry and I had never been in a situation this f*cked up as this.

"Give me the letter." Ferry snatched the letter off of William. It was Pops' hand writing.

"Dad is not your biological father." Tears poured down on Ferry's face.


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