Chapter Three

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"Kim Taehyung, the brain. I'm the one who creates ideas and plans which Namjoon accepts or declines," The guy go tied me in the basement and had kidnapped me introduced after a long while of curiosity.

"Kim Seokjin, prostitute dealer. I bring the women in here"

"Min Yoongi, the drug dealer. I'm in charge of the big bucks"

"Jeon Jungkook, the womanizer. I flirt with the woman Jin hyung recruits to make them feel special and accept to being sent to prostitution."

"Kim Namjoon, the leader. I'm in charge of controlling this mess of a gang"

"Jung Hoseok, guns man. I'm in charge of making the guns and bombs"

"Park Jimin," the man introduced, getting lost in my eyes. "I, ugh, I'm the muscle"

"Well," I mutter. "I'm Kim Mina"

"Now, come with us so we can think of what to do with you," Namjoon held the small of my back and led me to a fancy room.

The floors were made of marble and white pillars stood behind a black desk which had neatly stacked papers and pens. Everything looked like it had been owned by a neat freak, everything was clean that even the floors seemed to shine.

I gulped as I took a seat in the chair in front of the desk.

Yoongi and Taehyung sat next to each other looking like some mafia bosses.

Yoongi and Taehyung sat next to each other looking like some mafia bosses

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"Like I said, we should keep her with us so we look approachable. That's the only thing we're not changing," Taehyung muttered, glaring up at me.

"We can send her to prostitution on the side, earning us a bit of money," Jin offered as Jungkook smirked and looked at me with a smirk, biting his bottom lip which made me shiver.

I shook my head quickly. "Taehyung promised my protection if I entered the gang"

Jin glared over at Taehyung. "We didn't agree on this—"

"She has a great body which will attract the men, she has a temper and she's very arrogant which will do great for the eighth gang member. Plus she has great experience in fighting and knows how to use a gun," Taehyung explained.

Namjoon thought about it before nodding. "Ok, it's decided. She's our new member and everyone has to watch over her"

"Protect," Yoongi corrected, to that Hoseok nodded.

"We don't need to watch over this kid," Hoseok added.

"I'm eighteen," I retorted which earned me a glare.

"Watch over her, you never know when she'll escape" Taehyung glared over at me. "She's a slippery one"

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