Chapter Twenty Three

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"You can't say a word," Bam Bam uttered, steering the wheel. Driving closer through EXO territory, we neared a huge house. It was run down, but people definitely lived there. Jaebums car was parked right next to it. "We're here to spy for a while, we can't let anyone find out we're here. Especially Sehun"

"What's with this Sehun guy?"

"He's the most alert one, he can hear through anything. He has abnormal hearing and seeing abilities, he's like a guard dog. We also have to avoid Chanyeol, he's like 6'1 and the best at sneak attacks. He may be tall but he's really quiet, he watches where he steps and knows every turn to take. He's deadly silent, he'll sneak up on you and slit your throat before you could notice.

Since he's really tall and strong, he can easily over power a 4'11 chick like you. You have to have a good eye and watch your surroundings when we sneak inside. I also know Suho, Xuimin, Chen and Lay are in America, smuggling illegal drugs and weapons. The only ones here are possibly Chanyeol, Sehun, Baekhyun, D.O and Kai"

"That's too much information," I mutter, a stinging headache rushing through my head. "Overload"

Bam Bam chuckled before turning the engine off, unbuckling his seat belt and getting off first. While he checked for an easy place to break in through I turned back to Hoseok who was on the phone talking with Bangtan who stayed back at GOT7 dorm.

As much as JB tried shoving them out they insisted on staying, they spent the night at their dorm and staid with Bam Bam and I while the other GOT7 members left to negotiate with EXO.

As much as Taehyung scolded me, telling me I should stay, he finally gave up when I said I'd be going with Hoseok as well. As much as Bangtan got along with GOT7, apart from Taehyung and JB, none of them truly trusted each other yet. It was a relief to Taehyung to know Hoseok would be accompanying us.

Bam Bam waved me over after he found the back door open, making Hoseok hang the phone up and following us. I remembered Bam Bam's warning of the alert Sehun and the sneaky Chanyeol, I stayed quiet and alert. Bam Bam stepped in first followed by Hoseok, then me.

I gulped, looking around at the silent kitchen. Everything was going great until Hoseok slammed his hand on the table, making one of the pans fall over and onto the ground. Bam Bam and I both turned around, Hoseoks shirt was pinned against the wall by a sharp knife.

Instead of rushing over and unpinning his shirt, I stayed still in my place. I couldn't move either way, hands around my waist prevented it.

"I was waiting for you to appear," A husky voice muttered into my ear.

"Sehun, let go of her," Someone else called out, clearly pissed. "Remember Suho's orders?"

The man behind me groaned, muttering something under his breath before letting me go.

A weight I didn't even realize I had lifted from my shoulders, I turned too the stunned Hoseok who stared at the scene. Hesitant, I walked over to him and unpinned his shirt. Hoseok let out a loud breath of relief, staring at me then Bam Bam.

Sehun and Chanyeol stood at the door, glaring down at us. The only reason I knew the other guy was Chanyeol was only because he hovered over all of us, tall and dangerous.

I gulped staring up at the man who stared straight at me, hands crossed over his chest before he turned to Sehun.

"Why don't you call Baekhyun, I bet he'll love what we found running around our kitchen," He muttered, his voice deep and husky. "I'll make sure they don't escape, I'll even personally escort them down to the basement where their other friends are held"

"Held?" Bam Bam growled, furrowing his eyebrows as he balled his fists. "They came here for a friendly encounter and you hold them captive?! You fucking bastards!"

Before Bam Bam could throw a punch, he was grabbed by a quick Sehun and dragged down an empty hallway and down creaky stairs. Chanyeol turned to stare at us.

"Shall I drag you as well?"

"No thanks," Hoseok growled, a hand on my waist as he pushed us forward. "We know the way"

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