Chapter Twenty Two

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"Do I look good?" I asked, pressing my lips into a thin line as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Should I change?"

"You look beautiful," Jaebum said with a smile, hands wrapping around me as he pulled me into his embrace. 

"Thank you," I muttered. "For letting me see them again. I really miss them"

"Anything for you," He said with a proud smile, pulling away. "But only for today, okay? Next week, I want you to stay here with Bam Bam while the rest of us go and try making a deal with your fathers gang"

"Okay," I muttered, sighing. "Will this be the last time I'll see them?"

"Depends," Jaebum said with a small smile. "Maybe in the near future we'll be good friends, and you can see them all you want"

Just then the door bell rang, my heart leaping out of its place as I ditched Jaebum and rushed out my bedroom and to the front door.

Yugyeom had already open the door and let them in, the first to walk in was Taehyung. He looked around the living room, demanding to see me.

"Taehyung!" I yelled, running towards him. Tears running down my cheeks as I jump on him, wrapping my legs around his slim waist.

My arms were tight around his neck, holding him close as I pressed my face on his broad chest. 

"I missed you so much," I sob, a bit confused in why I was crying so much. 

He stayed quiet, kissing my head and breathing me in. 

Jaebum coughed behind us, making both Taehyung and I separate swiftly. Taehyung shot glares to every GOT7 member in the room but didn't try anything, his arm tight around my waist.

He looked down at me, his eyes glossy as if he were on the bridge of breaking down. He pressed his lips into a thin line.

Yoongi wrapped his arm around my neck and kissed the top of my head. "I missed you so much, don't scare us like that again," He muttered onto my hair.

"Mina!" Jungkook wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up from behind, making me yelp. "You've gained so much weight, man"

I playfully slapped Jungkooks shoulder before hugging him and turning to Namjoon and Seokjin who awkwardly waited for their turn.

I hugged both of them tightly before Jimin interrupted, grabbing my wrist and spinning me until I hit his brick chest. 

"Mina, you're kinda shorter now," He said with a wide smile.

I rolled my eyes and mocked him.

"So funny," I said sarcastically until I looked over at Taehyung and Jaebum. They stood in front of each other, glaring as they shook hands.

"Next time you try and keep her hidden away, at least call," Taehyung growled through gritted teeth. 

"No need," Jaebum smiled. "She's my sister after all, you're the reason she didn't remember me until now"

Taehyung looked painfully sad, but even so he didn't try talking back. Instead, he turned around and smiled at me.

"We have Christmas presents," He sang.

"And I brought some home cooked food," Seokjin said from behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder. 

"Where's that two legged dancing machine?" Yoongi muttered, looking around the living room with squinted eyes.

"Ta-da!" Hoseok sang, walking out of the bathroom with vibrant blonde hair. "What do you think?"

"It looks okay," Yoongi muttered.

"Thanks," Jinyoung said with a smirk. "I did it for him"

"It looks ugly but okay," Yoongi corrected before turning away and walking towards the couch where Youngjae and Jackson chatted.

"Bam Bam and Mark are out getting some gifts," Jackson rolled his eyes. "Late second shopping"

 "Isn't it late minute shopping?" Youngjae asked curiously.

Jackson mocked him in a high pitched voice before glaring at him. 

"Are you implying that I'm stupid?" Jackson scoffed.

"Implying? Nope. It's just a fact," Jungkook narrowed his eyes at the man sitting down, fire balls as eyes as he turned to glare at Jungkook.

"Well, let's drop the tension and eat some of the cookies I made," Jinyoung smiled genuinely before showing Bangtan to the kitchen which was right next to the living room.

"I made cookies too," Seokjin gasped silently, staring at the floor in disappointment. 

"We can mix them together," Jinyoung said with a smile, instantly lifting Seokjin's mood.

Seokjin turned to Namjoon and laughed. "Why do we hate these people so much? They seem so nice"

Namjoon rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at the young gangsters chatting. Taehyung and Jaebum throwing glares at each other, Jungkook and Jackson laughing and roasting their friends silently to each other, Youngjae and Jimin sitting next to each other awkwardly.

I waved Namjoon over, patting an empty seat for him to sit on. He smiled and nodded, making his way to the couch.

"Okay, let's play spin the bottle until Bam Bam and Mark come back!" Jungkook announced, punching the air happily.

"You only suggested that to kiss Mina," Jimin called out, his mouth slightly ajar. 

"He suggested that to kiss me, duh," Jackson said cockily, flipping his imaginary hair.


Thirteen spins, none of them landing on me. Thankfully, Bam Bam and Mark arrived soon after we ended the game. 

"Jimin," Bam Bam called out, handing the bag to the silent mochi. "We don't know much about Bangtan so we bought what he thought you guys would like"

"Actually, we did the same thing," Namjoon said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head as he glanced at the boxes he had carried in. 

"I got you a dead rat," Taehyung faked a smile at Jaebum.

"I got you a live rat," Jaebum returned the smile. "So it can get hit by a car too and die"

Taehyung jolted out of his seat, his fist in mid air before all the guns in the living room reloaded. The clicks of the guns reloading at the same time drew the attention of Seokjin and Jinyoung, rushing into the room thick with tension.

Jackson and Mark had their guns next to Taehyung at both sides, behind Mark stood Jimin with his own gun, behind Jackson was Jungkook holding his gun pointed directly to the middle of his head.

Namjoon and Youngjae both drew their pockets knives while Bam Bam and I sat right under their chain of guns.

"Guns down, now," Jinyoung demanded, glaring at the cocky Jaebum. "And JB, shut the hell up. It's none of your business either way"

"They were my sisters," Jaebum muttered. 

"The ones at that time you hated?" Junior asked, his eyebrows reaching the sky. "Shut the fuck up, the foods almost ready"

"Oh gosh, is there pork?" Jungkook and Jackson asked at the same time, dropping their guns. 

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