Chapter Five

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I sat there awkwardly with nothing to do, I sighed as Yoongi glanced over at me suspiciously, I looked over at him with the same expression.

"Is there a problem?" I tilted my head.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes before looking back at the TV. He held the control in his hands as he flipped through the channels.

"Wanna watch porn?"

"Sur— wait what?!"

He shrugged before turning back to the TV. "It was an option"

"Can I like... sleep or something? I haven't slept since all of you kidnapped me, yesterday"

He pointed over at the first room in the hallway.

"That's Taehyung's, it's the only one that doesn't have a window,"  He muttered.

I nodded before jumping out of the couch and towards his room, I opened the door but turned around as soon as Yoongi called for me.

"Don't touch anything or look around, he doesn't want anyone in there"

I nodded before walking in and shutting the door behind me, and the first thing I did was look around and start touching things.

Picture frames, colognes, a gun and bullets had their own spots on his desk. One picture frame in particular was faced down, dust building up on the black frame.

I picked it up and wiped the dust off, there stood Taehyung with some girl. They look really happy together as Taehyung had his arm over her shoulders, her smile seemed to reflect the light.

She had a similar face shape, her nose, lips and eyes looked exactly like mine. The photo looked like it had been taken a long while back, which is probably why Taehyung looks so young and innocent. He didn't even have his tattoos in this picture, but I know damn well I never posed for this picture.

This photo was obviously taken in Daegu, and I've spent all my life in Busan. She's probably my doppelganger, which is probably why Taehyung barely showed emotion to me. I probably remind him of her, I wonder what happened to her.

I was about to grab another faced down frame when someone broke inside the room. 

Taehyung glared down at me as I froze in place. Without saying a word he dashed towards the frame and placed it upside down on top of the drawer, exactly where it was before.

"What are you doing here?"  He muttered, a hint of anger somewhere deep in his voice.

"I uh—"

"She was sleeping," Yoongi walked in with a straight face. "I told her to get me something but she must've gotten the wrong thing"

He's covering for me? Why though?

"Why was she sleeping here?"

"It's the only room that doesn't have a window, you told us she was a slippery one so I put her in here" 

Taehyung gave me one last glare before kicking us both out.

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