Chapter Twenty Six

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"But. . . we entered through the back door," I argue, trying to keep my voice as low as possible.

"It's the only way, the front door is always guarded by Kai. I guard the back door," Chanyeol muttered, a hand next to my thigh, his warm breath hitting my ear softly.

"But, the others. I can't leave them here, we have to get them," I say.

"I won't be able to get them, D.O and Sehun are guarding them downstairs. Baekhyun is upstairs on the phone with Suho, take this time and run out of the backdoor. I'll take care of your friends later," Chanyeol muttered, passing me a slip of paper. "That's my number, text- don't call. Don't save my name under Chanyeol or anything related to me, if EXO finds out I'm helping you guys escape they'll kill me"

I pressed my lips into a thin line, holding the little paper between my fingers.


"No one has you like you have yourself," Jaebum's arms wrapped around me, engulfing me  in his scent of cologne and warmth. "There will be a time when I won't be able to save you"

His warm breath hit my ear softly, sending shivers down my spine. I nodded, digging my face onto his chest. I breathed him in, the cologne he wore. He was the only family I had, the only person who had been there in earlier years.

"When that time comes," He muttered, the vibration of his voice rang against my cheek which was pressed against his chest. "You have to be ready, don't think about anyone but yourself. Think of your safety"

"Oppa" I breathed out. "What if something happens to you? To all the people I love, what happens if  I end up alone?"

"Mina," His voice strict, he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me away. His dark eyes stared down at me, almost as if he were trying to tell me something just by looking at me. "No matter how lonely you feel, you're alive. Don't of anyone, you grab the opportunity when it emerges. Think of yourself, Mina. That's how I'm still alive to this day. Listen to me when I say,"

"Be selfish"


"When do I leave," I say sternly, my grip on the paper tightening.

"Now," He breathed out, his eyes trained on mine. "Trust me, okay?"

"Why are you helping me?" I ask while I had the chance.

He grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet as he casually glanced down the hallway, making sure it was clear.

"Because you don't remember" Chanyeol finally muttered, turning to me in worry. "It's because you don't remember what he has done to you and your family"

"What does not remembering have anything to do—"

"I'm trying to seem like the good guy," He rose his voice, silent enough for only me to hear though. "So you have a good impression of me before you remember what happened"

"I remembered everything," I argue, furrowing my eyebrows.

"There's no time for this," Chanyeol growled, dragging me down the hall.

As we walked near the door to the basement he placed a knife to my throat, walking slowly with me until we reached the door. Sehun and D.O glared up, waiting for an explanation.

"What's this?" D.O asked sternly.

I eyed the members, Jaebum's glare burning into my skull. I knew he'd be mad at me for coming, for handing myself over.

"Tying this one up in the room," Chanyeol muttered. "She's a slippery one"

Sehun nodded, walking up the stairs. "I guess I'll accompany you"

The whole plan burst, my heart dropped as Chanyeol stared down at the walking Sehun. I stared at Jaebum, trying to convey a message by the look in my eyes. He received it almost instantly, beginning to make a distraction. I glanced at the kitchen, the back door wide open.

"Be selfish," I muttered under my breath before raising my voice. "I'm sorry"

Chanyeol turned to me in confusion before his body flew away from mine. My elbow hurt from hitting him in the ribs, pushing him away as possible. I turned to stare at Jaebum, unsure of what to do.

"Go!" He yelled, impatient.

I dashed towards the door, footstep ringing down the hallway behind me. I rushed out of the door, the warmth of the sunlight hitting my body relaxingly. I ran down the drive way, adrenaline running through my veins. I felt electric, dashing away at full speed.

Dodging and jumping over things, wind pushing my hair back. I grew tired quickly, but I couldn't stop now. The where right behind me, guns in the air as they tried their best to aim.

I turned the corner, away from the street and into an alley. As I ran down the cold moist alley, a hand stretched out. Cold long fingers wrapped over my lips before pulling me in at on of the intersections. Our bodies pressed together against the wall, both our breaths irregular.

"Make a sound and I'll kill you"

That voice made a smile appear on my face, cold replaced by the warmth of his deep voice.


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