Chapter Fourteen

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"You're kidding right?" I scoffed as I glared up at Yoongi who calmly wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "How do you not know my birthday?"

"Well, since you never open up to any of us we barely know you," He stated. "Well, apart from Taehyung. He seems to know a lot more than he's letting on"

I tilted my head slightly, staring at the man laying next to me over the warm bed of my room.

"Why would he know?" I asked.

"You don't remember?" Yoongi turned to me, eyes wide. "About Minsoo?"


"Your sister," He whispered, furrowing his eyebrows as he turned to face me. "I thought Taehyung had told you"

I stayed quiet, thinking deeply at who could be my sister. Minsoo, it didn't sound familiar and it surely didn't bring any memories up.

"I think I'll leave that to Taehyung," He muttered before getting up and walking towards the door. "I'll talk to him"


"Mina, please be careful," She called out, a worried expression all over her face.


I turned around, staring at the girl behind me. She looked like me, only just older. Next to her stood a man, his features strikingly familiar.

"Taehyung, come play with me," I called out, smiling at the pair.

I was fifteen, I remember well. My birthday was closing in, something I had been eagerly waiting for.

"Minsoo," I called out, a broad smile plastered on my face. "Come play with us"

She smiled, nodding slightly as she followed me. Taehyung laughed as he made his way to the both of us.

"Mina, be careful," She called out one last time. "Make sure to look twice before crossing the road!"

"I know," I called out annoyingly.

"Mina!" Someone called out.

I glanced across the road where my best friend stood, waving eagerly at me.

"Jungkook!" I called out.

I ran towards him, not bothering to check if any cars were coming.
Jungkook's smile dropped, his eyes grew wide as he yelled inaudible things. In confusion a stared at him, stopping in my tracks. He was pointing at something down the road. I turned slightly, headlights coming this way.

Just then I understood the seriousness of the situation, but I was too captivated in shock to do anything. I turned around to see Minsoo dashing towards me, a hand outstretched towards me and the other placed on top of her baby bump.

I felt her arms embrace me, trying to push me away from the road. She was trying to save me, she was trying to keep me safe. Behind her, Taehyung watched in horror, his eyes wide as he didn't know what to do.

Even if he did do something, it would've been too late.


She was that girl, the girl from the picture in Taehyung's room.

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