Chapter 1:

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**Okay, so here's the first chapter! Here you go, and hope you like it!**

"Gemma! You're going to be late for your first day at school! Come on dear!" I heard my mother shout from downstairs, so I quickly ran down to her with my bag on my shoulder, ready to go. I felt so scared going to a new school in a new country. Moving from England to Australia was a big decision to make for my mum. My dad was off fighting for our country and he was the one who made us move here in the first place because he used to live here when he was a little boy. He would always tell me story of how amazing Sydney was, and how hot it would be here. I miss him. Whenever he leaves to go back, my mum is always crying, but I don't fully understand why. I mean I'm only 10, so I don't understand the whole problem yet. My mum told me that I would understand when I am older, so I am waiting till then.

When we got to my new school, I just sat in the car and looked at it, even more scared than what I was originally. I got out of the car and walked up to my mum and held her hand as we walked into the school and went to the school office and I had to say good bye to my mum. 

"Goodbye sweetie, have a good day and I will see you later," she said and then gave me a hug and she walked away. 

I followed the person who said he name was Mrs. Green and she took me to my first class which was Maths which I didn't mind. Even though I am only 10 and the maths is easy at the moment, I quite enjoy it.

We stopped outside a class and Mrs. Green knocked on the door and it opened with another teacher standing there but this time it was a man. 

"Ah. You must be Gemma Smith. Is that correct?" he asked to no one in particular, but Mrs. Green nodded her head yes. 

"Well, come on in then. My name is Mr. Stevens and I will be your maths teacher for the rest of the year," he said to me with a kind smile. He seems nice.

I walk in shyly and he tells me to sit in the spare seat which is the one at the front which was annoying because I don't like being at the front of a class.

"Okay class! We have a new student joining us for the rest of the year, and her name is Gemma, and she just moved from England. Please be nice," he said and then he carried on with the lesson.

The whole lesson I felt like everyone was staring at me, so I slowly turned around and saw that everyone was and I got a bit nervous. However, one boy caught my eye and he was giving me a really odd look. It made me scared. It was quite an evil look to be honest. He had longish blond-brown hair and green eyes. The look I was still receiving was sending a chill down my spine and I don't like the look of him.

When first period was over, I collected my things and started to walk out and find my way to where I had to go next. However, I didn't get far before I came into contact with the floor because I had just been pushed, and when I look to who did it, it was that boy that gave me that evil look, along with two other boys who were laughing at me. 

"Good one Michael!" the one with longish brown hair and brown eyes and very tanned skin.

I quickly stood up and walked away, whilst keeping my head down. 



It soon got to lunch and I walked into the lunch room and tried to look for a place to sit, but I couldn't. I tried to go up to few tables that had a free chair, but everyone would either tell me to go away, tell me that they are saving it for a friend or they would end up physically pushing me away or pull the chair away from me. In the end, I saw a table at the back that was empty but it was right next to the over-flowing bin. It's better than nothing I suppose. My previous lesson, which was English, before lesson was torture because that Michael kid was behind me and he kept kicking my chair and throwing paper at me. Then he started called me a geek and four-eyes and a weirdo. I don't know what I have done to him, but he won't stop. Oh and he calls me four eyes because I wear glasses because I have poor eyesight which isn't my fault. 



It was finally time to go home and I have to say I am very relieved. I haven't seen Michael for the rest of the day, but I had seen his other 2 friends who, I found out, were called Luke and Calum.

I soon found my mum and I went running up to her and gave her a hug. 

"Hello sweetie. How was your first day?" she asked me as we walked to her car. 

"It was alright," I said. I didn't want to tell her about them 3 boys, because I didn't want to worry her, because she will worry and go running to the principal. I mean, it's only my first day, so it could change right?

"Make any friends?" she asked me.

"No," I answered her.

"Aww, don't worry, it's only your first day, you will soon," she tells me and I smile at her.

After a 10 minute drive, we arrive back and hop out of the car and we walk into the house. 

"Heyy little sis! How was your first day at school?" my older brother, by 2 years, asked me, when I walked into the living room where he was watching TV. Typical.

"It was alright Ricky. Why didn't you go?" I asked him as I sat next to him.

"I'm starting tomorrow, but I won't be in the same school as you Gems. I'm going to a different school," he said to me and I was quite upset. Back in England he was in the same school as me, so I would feel safe and that. 

"But Ricky!" I whined to him which made him laugh and bring me in a hug. I ended up crawling onto his lap and cuddling into him. 

"Gems, I would love to be in your school like back in England but we can't. I got a place in a different school and I need to go there. I'm sorry," he says with a sad face and I sit there and pout, knowing he can't resist the pouting.

"Gems, don't. You know that's my weakness!" he said, whilst releasing a laugh as well.



After we had all eaten dinner, and watched a bit of TV, it was time for me to go to bed.

"Goodnight, little Gem. See ya tomorrow," Ricky said and then went to his own bedroom.

I jumped into bed, and my mum came and tucked me in and also said goodnight.

I just hope tomorrow will be better...

**Hope you like the first chapter! Please vote and I promise it will get better!**

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