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**HEYY! I thought that I might put a bit of closure on this story, so you kinda know what happens. This will be the last official chapter in the book. Hope you like it!**

So 5 years along the line, Gemma and Michael are together, but notice how I didn't say still. Throughout the 5 years, their relationship has been very rocky. Fights here and there. And the longest they took a break from each other was about 6 months. It killed them both. Gemma resorted back to cutting for a while and Michael was attempting to hurt himself again. In the end Ricky had enough of it. He ended up dragging Gemma to Michael's house and made them stand in the living room with each other and talk through what was going on. Ricky didn't leave though, he stayed put to make sure they got through this and worked it all out.

"You two need to talk this over. Both of you have been as bad as each other and none of it is making it any better," Ricky stated to the two stubborn adults in front of him. 

It was silent for a moment but then you heard both of them sigh and say "I'm sorry," at the same time which caused them both to smile. 

"I really was an idiot Gemma. It was all my fault. I'm sorry," Michael said with a sad, shameful tone to his voice. 

"It's my fault as well though. You should know me and my jealousy by now. And I can't help but always think that..." Gemma trailed off, Michael knowing exactly what she was about to say. 

"Gemma, I have been telling you the same thing for 5 years now. No one can replace you. You are my one and only. I love you with all of my heart and you should know that by now. I'm sorry for keep making this happen, it's my fault," Michael said to Gemma as he took her face in his hands and made her look him in the eyes. 

"In fact, I have something for you," Michael stated as he turned to walk away and walked upstairs to retrieve what he was after.

After about 5 minutes, he came walking back down the stairs.

"Now Gemma. I have loved you for about 8 years now, the first three you didn't know and that was my fault. Again. I still regret what I did to you all those years when I knew I could have gone a better way with it all. No bullying. No hitting," Michael cringed as he said the word 'hitting' because he couldn't believe that he laid a finger on you in a bad way.

"But that day when I came round your house because you got told to be my tutor was when I saw an opportunity to start making it up to you. I still picked on you for a bit, but after that day it all changed. I remember how upset you looked when you walked in and saw me reading the recent letter you had received from your dad and I found out he was in the army. You told me about your toy wolf and named it after your dad because you thought of him as a hero. How you would always wear his necklaces to remember him and your family.

"I remember the expression on your face when you saw me throwing Alex in the air and how you were scared and you ran into the bathroom and I witnessed you cutting for the first time. That was probably the worst moment of my life. That day, I fell even more in love with you and I continued to each day. 

"I remember when we had our first actual fight because I was stupid and got drunk and..." Michael stopped, not wanting to relive that awful mistake. Nonetheless, he carried on. "I remember that was when I hurt you so much and thought that I didn't think I should live anymore. You saved me. That was also the day that you found out how broken I was about my dad and everything. You understood and helped me.

"The day that you got kidnapped, was the worst day because I failed to protect you. Luke and Calum had to be around me 24/7 because they thought I would kill myself. When Damien told us where you were, you have no idea how happy I actually was and also relieved that you were safe. I remember 3 years ago, you came to my house in tears and told me how you found out your dad had been deployed again then a year later, you found out he was dead. I was there when you and Ricky were taking care of your mum when she was upset," he spoke softly when he spoke about Gemma's parents because he knew that was a still a touchy subject. Gemma was so broken the day she found out her dad had died in action. Michael was there to help her through it.

After Michael had finished that long speech, Gemma watched as he bent down onto one knee and revealed a tiny black velvet box in his hands and Gemma's heartbeat increased rapidly.

"Gemma, will you do me the most wonderful honour of becoming my wife? The one I will be with till the day I die, but my love for will go on forever and always?" Michael asked and watched as Gemma's eyes filled with tears and Michael's stomach and heart dropped because he thought that she was going to say no. But just when he thought that would happen, he caught a glimpsed of Gemma shaking her head in a vigorous motion.

"YES! YOU IDIOT!" Gemma screamed and jumped into Michael's arms, causing him to fall back onto his back and this caused him to laugh at his beautiful girlfriend. Well, fiancé now.

Michael kissed Gemma's lips and brought her left hand up to their faces and placed the ring on her fourth finger, making the proposal official. 

"Okay, have to admit that is the cutest thing I have ever seen," Ricky said and interrupted Michael and Gemma's moment, which caused them to laugh at him. 

Gemma found it cute that her brother had finally found the one as well. Her name is Harriet and they have been together for about 2 years now and he couldn't have been happier. 

As for Damien and Lucy, they are still together and married, and off travelling the world together, so Michael and Gemma don't really see that much of the, occasional skype call but that's it. 

So that is Gemma and Michael's life. Even though they ended up together, doesn't mean it will be all sunshine and daises. They will still fight and disagree with each other but that is what couples do. They need fights to keep it healthy.

Also, your future hubby or wife might not be the one you are expecting but, in the end you will always end up with the one you love and are destined for. Everyone has a perfect someone. Keep a look out. He/she might be right under your nose. Your best friend? Your project partner? Or even a bully?

This was the story of how Gemma was in love with her bully. And the bully loved her right back.

**THERE! It is finally done and completed. I hope all of you liked it and enjoyed it. Thank you to every single one of you for reading, voting, and commenting. You don't know how much it means to me that you enjoyed this book. Keep a look out for any future books that I do and I hope you like them just as much as this one, or maybe even more. I love you all my beautiful readers. At the moment, this book has received 8.048 reads, 302 votes and 39 comments. Let’s see if this goes up in a few months - a year. Once again. Thank you and I loved sharing this experience of writing this book with you lot!**

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