Chapter 2:

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Here's the seconds chapter! I'm sorry it may not be good...

7 years later

7 years I have been at this school now, and when I thought it was going to get better on the second day, it didn't. It started getting a whole lot worse. The bullying has increased and got worse. The name calling and when I was 13, I started to get physically abused. Can you guess who by? That's right. Michael and his "gang". Well, Luke and Calum don't do it as much really. They definitely are a part of the name calling situation, but physically, it is mainly Michael who does that. My mum has seen the bruises a few times but I would just play it off by saying I fell in P.E. She didn't really believe me but in the end she just accepted it. Yeah, I still haven't told her about anything that Michael and that have done. Ricky has seen them but he just assumed I was being my naturally clumsy self. I have also resulted in cutting a few times as well. I know it's bad, but it came to a point that I needed to do it and that's when it started. You can't see them thankfully because of the bracelets I wear and that.

In Ricky's school however, he is doing extremely well. He is popular, has a load of friends, girls and boys and he has good grades. I have good grades as well, but that is one of the reasons I get bullied, because I am a "nerd" and "geek".

However, I have changed a lot over the years, because, where I am always hanging with my brother, he has got me into things he likes. Gaming, music styles, and even skate boarding. I must say, I am quite good at it now and whenever Ricky and I go down to the skate park, we are always trying to be better than one another. His music styles that have rubbed off on me are bands like, All Time Low, Mayday Parade, Green Day, Blink 182, Paramore, Fall Out Boy etc... Then on my own, I have come to absolutely love Ed Sheeran. He is my idol.

Oh and my dad still hasn't come home from when he last left which was about 9 years ago now and I really miss him. No one knows about him serving his time in the army, not even the close friends that Ricky has. They have never asked, so he never told them.

Anyways! Ricky and I were on our way down to the skate park with our skate boards because it was Sunday and we always go down on a Sunday. Ricky was wearing his black skinny jeans and white polo top with black converse that were pretty much dead to be honest, and a grey snapback. I was wearing blue skinny jeans, a black vest top and an All Time Low jumper with red converse and a black and red snapback. When we got there, it was realitivly quite which is why we like coming down on a Sunday, because no one is really here. The other reason I like it here is because I don't know anyone here a part from the Ricky's friends, so I don't really bump into anyone from my school. Plus they know me as the geeky girl who is quiet and sits at the front of the class, but here, I can actually be myself. I know I said I hate being bullied and I am actually making myself a geek for school, but I find it better. They would probably make more fun of all of this that I do and then they will think that I'm more of a boy then girl and bullied more. So at least they are thinking I actually am a girl at school, rather than a tomboy.

When we got to the park, two of Ricky's friends were there and they were the ones I am closer with and they treat me like their sister, and I treat them like my brothers. They were Ashton and James. When they saw us, they both smiled and dropped their skate boards and outstretched their arms towards us. The reason they are doing this is because whenever I end up seeing them now, I always run up to them and jump into their arms. I know it's weird, but we find it normal. So I went running up to them and when I got near them, I dropped my skate board and jumped into their arms and hugged them both closely.

"Well hello to you too Gemma," Ashton said with a smirk.

"Long time no see Gem," James said.

After we all talk for a bit, we all skate board for a while. I love skating, it's so much fun!

It finally reaches 5pm and me and Ricky need to head home before our mum has a panic attack.

I hug both Ashton and James tightly and say goodbye then we start walking back. Eventually getting tired to walking, so we both end up skating back, racing each other.

When we got home, dinner was just being placed on the table, so we put our boards away, took our trainers off and then went and sat down at the table.

We make small talk throughout dinner, just talking about random things.

"Oh, I have something to show you," our mum says when we have all finished eating. She pulls a piece of paper from her pocket and hands it to Ricky first.

"Dad..." I sighed out and looked at my mum, who smiled and nodded yes.

I was sitting in my seat fidgeting really badly, waiting for Ricky to be done, so I can read it.

When he finally finishes that felt like hours, but really, it was only about 2 minutes, he gives it to me and I run upstairs to my bedroom and sit on my bed and turn on my bedside lamp. I'm not being mean or anything by walking away, my mum and Ricky both know that I prefer to read them in private than in front of them.

I opened it up and started to read it.

To my loved ones,

Hi you 3! I hope you are all well and are doing great. I miss you all so much! I don't know when I am coming home, but I just want you all to know that I love you and you are always on my mind and in my heart.

Kate, you have no idea how much I miss you and love you. I am so sorry I have to be gone for this long. I just want to be able to see you and hold you in my arms again. My beautiful wife, there isn't a day that goes by, I always think about how we met and our first date and when I proposed and you said yes. More importantly, when we got married and had our wonderful kids. I love you with all my heart.

Ricky, I hope you are taking care of your mother and Gemma, but are also taking care of yourself. I hope school is going well and I hope you are enjoying it. I love you son and even though I am not with you, you always make me proud of how brave you are and how talented and intelligent you are. I am proud to have a son like you, and when I get back, we will go play footie like we did back in England. Sound good?

And Gemma, my lovely, beautiful Gemma. I miss you. I feel bad for not being there when you most need me there for you and I feel bad for not being there to watch you grow up into the beautiful women you are becoming. I hope school is treating you well and you are still getting those grades that I know you can get. I'll hopefully be back soon and I will be able to see my baby girl again.

Love your dad! xx

P.S. sorry about the tear stains, I couldn't help but cry again whilst writing this. I love you all. Forever and always xx

By now I am crying my eyes out. Once I have read it over about 3 times, I walk over to the box in the corner of my room on a shelf and took it and opened it. I put the letter in there along with the many others my dad had sent over the many, many years of service. I asked to keep them in here and my mum and Ricky agreed that I could. They do come in here though and go through them when they like. I don't complain, it's the only thing that we really have from my father.

Well actually, we have them and little things he gave each of us before he left.

My mum has a locket with a picture of them at their wedding and a family photo when Ricky and I were babies.

Ricky has a watch and photo from when he was toddler and they were playing football together and both look generally happy in it.

Me? I have the dog tag that has his name and soldier name on it and a number on it. I am always wearing. He also gave me a heart pendant locket. Which held the same family photo as mums and a photo of me and him when I was a baby. Then I also have a cuddly wolf toy that stays by my side at night all the time. His name is my dad's name which is Alex, and also, now I can link it to Alex from ATL. The reason he gave me a wolf is because he says they are "strong, powerful animals and are naturally beautiful creatures". And apparently they remind him of me. Don't know how. Also, they have been my favourite animal since I was a little kid, ever since I saw the film called White Fang, and I still watch it a lot now.



Eventually, it reached 10pm and I was really tired and I had school tomorrow. Fun. More getting bullied by Michael and his 'gang'.

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