Chapter 21:

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Gemma's POV:

I was in the middle of sleeping peacefully before someone barged into my room and various shouts were being heard from different people. I jolted up and saw Luke running towards me and I noticed he had red, tired eyes. He's crying? Why?

I sit up as he reaches me and he opens his mouth as if to say something, but nothing comes out. I looked sideways at the alarm clock and saw that it said 3:47am. What the fuck is he doing here this early?

"Luke, I told you that it's too early. Can't this wait?" Ricky murmured, rubbing his eyes, obviously he was rudely woken up as well.

"Don't you think I would have if it wasn't important," Luke growled at him and Ricky stared at him with wide eyes.

"Luke, baby. Calm down okay. She doesn't need you being like this considering you just barged in and woke her up at 4 o'clock in the morning," Alice whispered to him as she pulled him back a bit. I looked at her and she looked really upset as well.

Luke took her advice and stepped back, taking deep breaths until he spoke again.

"Listen, I am really sorry for coming this early, but like I said, I wouldn't have come at this point if it wasn't important would I?" Luke said as he took a seat at the end of my bed. We nodded at him to continue. "Michael came by my house," he said and my heart stopped, but I rolled my eyes, after thinking what he did.

"Luke, we don't care. He broke Gems heart," Ricky spoke angrily.

"I know and believe me when he turned up at my house crying and explaining what he did, we both had a yelling at him," he said to me as he pointing between himself at Alice, who was putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder to calm him down. 

"Not to be rude or anything, but if you knew he did that, then why are you coming here and talking about him?" I asked him because I was slightly confused at what he was getting at.

"Well, he said some things and we said some back. But he said certain words that we were trying to calm him down about and make him think. But every time we went to say something, he would butt in and continue on. Before we knew it, he was out of the house, and when we realised and went out the door to look for him, he was gone. We waited about half an hour and rang his mum because we thought that he might go there, but he didn’t. Apparently she hasn't seen him since yesterday. I rang a few other people, including Calum but they all said they haven't seen him," Luke said and his eyes started to water again. 

Wait. So Michael's missing?

"Then we realised what he said at one point and it made us wonder," he trailed off and looked up at Alice and he must have given her hint for her to talk or something.

"He said 'what is the point of living if no one cares about you', so we are thinking that..." she faded off.

Are they suggesting that Michael would end up killing himself?

He wouldn't.

"He wouldn't kill himself," I stated to them. 

"I wouldn't be too sure," Luke said to me. "He's tried to before," and that through me off. Michael... tried to kill himself?

"What?" I asked, my voice hardly making any noise. I couldn’t believe it. I never knew he was so... vulnerable.

"Yeah, he thought it was his fault and he tried to kill himself, but his mum found him and stopped him just in time. But this time, no one knows where he is and we don't know what's happening," Luke said and he broke down into tears.

I didn't even realise I was crying before my hand instinctively wiped it away.

"Ricky..." I said looking up at him and he was already looking at me, his eyes sad. He must have understood what I meant. 

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