Chapter 23:

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When it reached 8pm, after all us taking turns in talking to Michael, it was eventually time for us to leave because visiting hours were up. I promised Michael I would come back in the morning with his mum because he was allowed to leave. This also meant that we are missing a day of school. 

When we got home, I had dinner that mum cooked and thankfully no one brought up what happened to Michael. I really didn't want to talk about it right now. I am exhausted and I just want my sleep. So as soon as I finished my dinner, I said goodnight to everyone ad then went to bed and I fell straight to sleep.





When I woke up it was 7am and I have to say that was one of the most horrible nights I have ever had. I hardly slept. Nightmare after nightmare and flashes of Michael in the alley. Thankfully I didn't wake up screaming or anything because otherwise that would have meant waking everyone else up or something.

I rolled out of bed and went over to the shower and got cleaned up and relaxed my muscles under the hot water. 

Once I was done and dried, I walked out and went to find what clothes to wear. I decided on grey ripped skinny jeans and an Ed Sheeran t-shirt. 

I walked downstairs and saw my mum and dad awake and drinking tea. I made myself some toast and went and sat in the living room. Michael's mum was coming to pick me up at 8 to go and see Michael.

I have just realised that it is about 3 weeks till Christmas. I think I need to start to find presents soon...





When me and Karen got to the hospital, we went straight to Michael's room and there he was, sitting on the bed, changed and ready to leave. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a Sex Pistols t-shirt which showed his bandaged up arms. When he saw us walking in, his face broke out into a smile. 

He got up and walked over to his mum and gave her a hug. I find it so cute that he is so close to his mother. I mean, when I first met him, I would have never had thought he had this type of relationship with her at all. But now...

When he pulled back, he looked at me and walked over and pulled me closer by the waist and rested his head on my forehead.

"I love you," he stated simply.

"See! I told you!" Karen shouted towards us.

I simply laughed and said "I love you," back to him.

"Aww! I am witnessing the first time you two say to each other.

"Ummm... Mum? We kinda said to it each other yesterday," Michael said to her and she stared wide-eyed at us.

"And you didn't tell me? Michael! I need to know these things!" his mum whined at him and I couldn't help but release a giggle to this.

"Mum..." Michael whines back and buries his head back into my shoulder.

"I'm joking son. Let's go," she said as she headed for the door. "Oh, and Gemma? Would you like to come back to ours or would you like us to drop you home?" she asked as she turned to us.

"She's coming with us," Michael answered before I could even open my mouth to reply. I looked up to him and he said, "I just got you back, and I am not letting you leave me," and I felt my heart flutter at his words as he leaned down to give me a kiss on the lips.

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