Chapter 20:

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Michael's POV: (SURPRISE!!!)

Gemma had just shut the door and I have to say, I have never felt this broken before and this upset in my entire life. Even when my father died. However, even after she closed the door, I didn't move. I simply just turned around and leaned against the door and slid down onto the floor and let the tears run freely down my face.





If I hadn't of gone, I would still have my beautiful girl wrapped up in my arms and planting kisses down her beautiful face, and kissing her scars, reminding her of how beautiful she is and always will be.

I let out a rather loud sob, not caring who heard. What made it worse though, was that I could Gemma's sobs on the other side of the door which is causing my heart to hurt even more at the moment.

After about 10 minutes, I finally got up from where I was sitting and walked to Luke's house because it was the closest out of mine, his and Calum's.

Once I got there I banged on the door repeatedly until Luke opened it with a frustrated look. His shirt was scruffy and his hair was a mess like someone had run their hands through his hair. I think I just interrupted him from getting laid. Oh well. Bigger problems are going on at the moment.

"What the fu- Michael? What happened?" he asked as he pulled me inside, looks of frustration disappeared from his face once he saw the state I was in.

Luke walked me into the living room where Alice was sitting looking a bit annoyed but, just like Luke, her expression changed and she stood up as well, immediately asking me questions. I just sat down on the couch and listened to them trying to talk to me and that.

"SHE BROKE UP WITH ME, OKAY?" I ended up shouting because they started to get on my nerves.

"What?" They both asked at the same time, looking confused.

"She b-broke up with m-me and it’s all m-my fault," I said to them in between my sobs.

I'm so stupid.

"How is it your fault?" Alice asked me.

"I-I cheated on her with Crystal. I didn't m-mean to. I was drunk and G-Gemma went to the t-toilet and next thing I-I know I'm waking up next to Crystal this morning," I told them but when I looked up at their faces, I regretted it. Alice looked beyond pissed and Luke had a look of disbelief evident on his face.

"You dick!" Alice shouted with clear anger in her voice.

I looked down at the floor feeling guilty and heartbroken.

"Honestly mate. You went with Gemma. You know how self-conscious she is about everything and when the whole shit happened with her before, Gemma believed her but you made her trust you. You fucking went and broke that promise Michael. Alice is definitely right though. You're a dick," Luke said in an angry, disappointed tone. "I thought you said that you cared about her and that she made you happy? Heck, your mum even knows how much you like her. What do you think she is going to think? She was so fucking disappointed in you because you bullied her, even when she told you that there was a chance that you loved her. Obviously you didn't care about her at all if-"

"I DO FUCKING CARE ABOUT HER! I FUCKING LOVE HER!" I shouted at the both of them as I stood up to look at them in the eye. I then collapsed to my knees with my head in my hands. "I love her and I broke her. I broke me. I'm fucking stupid I know. I don't want to go home because my mum with know something is up. She will get mad and start saying I am turning into my d-dad," I confessed with a choke on the last word.

I hardly very spoke about my dad because of how much of a dick he was to my mum and me and how much she hurt her. 

"I might as well die. Save everyone the time," I whispered to myself, speaking the truth of how I felt. I literally feel like jumping off a fucking bridge.

Luke and Alice hate me.

My mum will hate me.

Calum and Kate will hate me.

More importantly, the girl I am in love with hates me. 

What's the point in living, if everyone you care about and love hate you?

"Michael don't be silly. Yes you've cocked up but there is no need to be that extreme. And are you sure you love her? Because it doesn't seem like," Alice spoke.

"I DO LOVE HER! How can you think I don't? I know she hates me and is upset with me. How do you think I feel about that? I feel guilty, heartbroken, lost, pathetic and stupid. Plus, I might as well go and die. You two hate me. My mum will hate me. Calum and Kate will hate me. And the girl I am in love with and have been for three years, hates me the most. All the ones that I actually care about in my life hate me. So what's the point of being alive in a world with no one to care about you...?” I trailed off as more and more tears made their way down my cheeks.

"Mike lis-" Luke started to say, but I instantly cut him off.

"No, you know what? I'll just leave. What's the point of being here with people who hate me," I said as I stood up and ran out the front door. Not stopping for anything. Well, that was till I got to a dark alley, and that was when I decided to stop and crumble. I fell to my knees with head in my hands, crying my eyes out.

What's the point of living?

**Well, this is a bit of a change hey? And I hope you liked it. I would also like to thank you for al who are saying that loves my book, especially @ Heavenly.hell on instagram, she was fangirling away yesterday and it made me happy that people actually like this, so thank you, thank you, thank you to every single one of you beautiful readers :D **

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