Chapter 22:

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I stared at Michael as he was staring right back at me and I could see the corner of his mouth twitching which meant he wanted to smile, but he didn't know whether to or not.

"Hi, Michael," I said as I walked over to the chair beside the bed and sat down. 

"I can't believe you are here," he told me and that was when his face broke into a goofy grin.

"You're an idiot Michael," was the first thing that left my mouth.

"What?" he asked as I saw him furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"You're an idiot for what you did with Crystal," I told him.

"I know," he said simply as his eyes filled with sadness and he looked down at the floor.

"And you're an idiot for doing this. I thought I lost you," I told him honestly, as a tear made it way down my cheek. Haven't I cried enough?

"Hey, don't cry," he cooed and brought his hand to my cheek and wiped the pad of his thumb over the tear to get rid of it.

"I can't help it. The thought that I was the one who caused you to do it, it hurts. Then when Luke came running in my bedroom at 4am telling me what happened, I couldn't stop worrying if you were okay. Then me and my brother find you in an alley with a blade in your hand and blood everywhere and you were passed out. I was so worried," I cried.

 "Hey, shhh. I am here aren't I? I am so sorry for what I did, but I thought that no one wanted me and thought no one would care. I thought you didn't like me anymore because of what I did and I thought I literally ruined the best thing that ever happened to me. I thought you wouldn't care," he confessed as he put his hands on my cheeks and kept my face there and looked me in the eyes as I lost myself in his sparkling green ones.

"I will always care Mikey," I said as I leaned forward and closed the gap between our lips and kissed him, him reacting straight away, both of us pouring so much passion into this one kiss.

"I am so sorry," he says as he pulls back but keeps his forehead on mine.

"Shhh Mikey, just kiss me," I said and he happily pressed his lips back to mine.

"I love when you call me Mikey," he confessed when he pulled away from the kiss once again. 

"And I l-" I stopped talking before I carried on. I was about to say 'I love you' what the hell? I mean I know I love him and I do want to tell him but I am worried that he won't say it back and I will be embaressed.

"You what?" he asked and I saw a bit of what seemed like hope.

"Umm... I was just gunna say that your mum and the others are here in the waiting room. I should let one of them come in because they have all been worried," I tell him as a cover-up. His eyes lost that hope and I saw sadness but was quickly replaced with happiness.

"I'll be back when they are done," I told him as I gave him a quick kiss and walked out of the room and let out a deep breathe.

I walked towards Karen, Ricky and the others and they all looked up at me.

"Umm... Karen, you go in now," I said shyly and she gave me a kind smile and walked to the room.

I walked over to the seats and sat down in the gap between Ricky and my dad.

"Thank you once again dad," I said to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"No problem sweetheart. By the way Ricky told me what he did last night," he mentioned and I glared at Ricky which caused him to give me an innocent look.

"Listen dad, I have forgiven him. I know you are going to say I have rushed this forgiveness thing, but the fact that he did this because he thought he lost me and thought that no one cared, I think it shows he knows he made a mistake," I told him.

"I know Gemma. I am just going to say that you need to be careful. Just because he said he wouldn't doesn't mean he would. I don't want to see my baby princess getting hurt," my dad said.





Whilst Calum and Kate were in there, I went over to Karen who greeted me with a smile.

"Hi Karen, I was just wondering if I could ask you something?" I asked her and she nodded in agreement. "What was you going to say before my dad came and got us from outside? Apparently he said you were right. What was you right about?" 

"Oh that. Well he agreed with me because he found out he loved you," Karen said. It took a few minutes to process but as soon as it did, I broke into a massive smile and my heart felt like it was going to burst. The boy I love, loves me back. "I am taking that is what you wanted to hear then sweetie," Karen said and I nodded at her, the smile still not fading.

After all of us had a bit of time with Michael, well not my brother and dad because they didn't really know him, I got called back in there and Michael was still in the same position and I walked back over to the chair. I leaned down and gave him a kiss, shocking him a bit.

"I am happy that it didn't work," he said as I relaxed into my chair and I caught on that he was on about killing himself. "Because otherwise I would not see my beautiful angel and her magnificent smile," he told me as he cupped my cheek, I couldn't help but blush, and I placed my hand over his and pulled to my mouth and gave it a kiss.

"Me too. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to see those green eyes that I love and I wouldn't have the opportunity to be running my fingers through your, like the way I know you love me too," I said as I put my fingers in his hair and gave his a sly wink. 

"Come 'ere," he mumbled and I got off my chair and leaned over him and he brought me into a hug as we both buried into each other’s necks. I heard him mumble something else, but my hair muffled it so I didn't hear.

"What did you say?" I asked him as I pulled away and looked him in the eyes. 

"I said, I love you Gemma," he said and you stared at him for a minute and you could see regret starting to form its way into his eyes because I hadn't said anything.

"I love you, Michael," I said back to him and he immediately broke out into a smile and brought my lips to his. 

"I have loved you for 3 years and still do and I am so happy to be able to finally tell you," he said in-between kisses. 

"I love you Mikey, but I have to be honest, I don't know how long I have done..." I said to him as I looked away from his eyes feeling embarrassed.

"Don't be, I know you love me now and that's all that matters," he said sweetly.

"I love you," I said to him. I couldn't stop saying it. It felt so foreign but so natural to say to him.

"I love you too," he said and I shook my head at him saying no. "What?" he asked with confusion in his voice.

"Don't say too," I told him and he gave me a weird look. "If you say 'too,' it feels like you are just saying to agree with me. I know you said it first but I always think that the word 'too' is just for agreeing with something, rather than actually meaning it when you say it," I told him. I don't know why I think this but I say 'too' to my family but this love is different.

"Okay, I will not say 'too' because I want you to know I really do love you. Forever and always," he told me.

"Forever and Always."

**They finally said ‘I love you's’! Can we have a moment to say awww ;D Sorry for the short chapter but I hope it's alright! Enjoy! Also, I have just created a Tumblr account and if you want you can go follow me **

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