Chapter 11

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Chapter 11- Falling For You

I can't believe he has done this. I thought it only happened in the movies.

I don't usually like things like this. They are a bit cheesy. But I don't know... it just seems right.

"So... did you enjoy the movie?" he asks.

"Oh my god! YES. Jennifer Lawrence was amazing. And that ending... wow. I can't wait for the next one. Did you know there might be a Mystique spin-off. That would be the best.  Oh shit sorry I'm rambling. I do that a lot."

"Haha! It's fine. She is amazing."

I smile. It becomes silent again, a bit awkward. A light wind begins to pick up, blowing my dark hair across my face.

Ashton's large hand reaches over to brush it away. His eyes lock onto mine and he slowly begins to lean in.

Wait is going to kiss me? I turn my head away, my face burning red.

I know I should want to kiss him but isn't it a bit soon. I mean we've only known eachother for like three days.

And is there really any point in this. He is leaving in a few days and will probably forget about me.

I still don't even know if he likes me. He could have anyone he wants, so why is he on a date with me?

I'm nothing special. Just your regular fangirl. He still doesn't even know that about me.

"Hey! What's wrong?" he says  locking his eyes on mine.

"Nothing" I mumble.

"Come on something's wrong. I can tell."

"It's just that you have done all of this and I don't even know why you like me. And you are leaving on Saturday and you will forget about me. I just feel that we can't start this if we can't finish it."I explain, feeling the tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"Hey, hey don't cry! I would never forget you. I really really like you. You are like no other girl I have ever met. You are smart and funny and let's not forget beautiful. I really am falling for you and I don't know how I'm going to leave you here."

This causes me to cry even more. I probably look like a panda right now. Ashton arms wrap around me, holding me tight.

"I think I'm falling for you too." I whisper.

Again I'm sorry for the late update. I was away visiting family and the wifi was terrible.
Hope you are liking it so far. Keep reading and voting.
Thank you so much!

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