Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 - Hell Yeah!

Kates POV

Hey! Coffee? Tomorrow at 9am - Fletcher

Make that 11am and you've got yourself a deal :) - Katherine

Haha sounds great! See you then ;) -Fletcher

Tomorrow was Sunday which meant no work. It also meant that there was no way I was going out before 11, no matter how cute the guy was.

I return my attention to the TV which was currently playing re-runs of Doctor Who. I got out of work early today. There wasn't many scenes needing shot, so that meant I wasn't needed much.

I didn't really mind, it meant I could go home to my small apartment and sit around stuffing my face with pizza. I eventually ran out and lay there in silence, completely full.

I could feel my eyes drooping and I knew I was about to fall into a deep sleep. I am startled by the loud ringing of my phone. Seriously, who is calling me?

I look at my phone before answering. Unknown number. I answer it, curious as to who it is.


"Hey, Katherine! It's me, Josh."

"Oh, hey!" I answer, completely freaking out that he was calling me.

"You missed out on a great concert last night"

"Yeah? I wish I could of come, you know work just got in the way."

"I understand, maybe next time. Anyway, I was wondering if you had any plans for dinner tonight."

"Not that I know of"

"That's great. I will pick you up at 7." And with that he hung up.

Was that a date he just asked me on? Oh my god, I'm freaking out. I look at the time. 5PM. I have 2 hours to get ready. Wait, is this casual or fancy? I send a quick text.

Hey, what kind of dinner is this? Casual or fancy? - Katherine

Casual x :) - Josh

With that I pull out my favourite pair of ripped jeans, a Green Day tee and a black and white plaid flannel. I quickly shower and then dry my hair.

As my hair is naturally wavy, I decide to leave it like that. I put on my clothes and sit down to do my makeup. I leave it quite natural. I pull on a pair of combat boots and grab a bag, throwing the essentials in there.

I still have half an hour left so I sit down and watch more Doctor Who. Tenth doctor, hell yeah! Before I know it there is a knock at the door. I quickly turn the TV off and make my way over.

At the door stands Josh, looking good in a pair of skinny jeans, white top and leather jacket. I step outside and lock the door.

"You ready?" He asks.


With that, he entwines our fingers and pulls me out of the building. We walk for 10 minutes until we reach a small italian restaurant.

We are taken to our table and given menus. Not that I need one, it's kind of obvious what I'm going to have.

"You not going to look at the menu?" Josh asks me.

"Don't need to."

"And why's that?"

"It's an Italian restaurant so their going to have the best creation known to man kind."

"Let me guess, your a pizza lover." He says, laughing.

I nod my head, laughing along.

"Well let me tell you something. So am I!"

We both order our pizza and make conversation until it is ready. We were currently talking about the apocalypse.

"What are you going to be doing when the zombie apocalypse happens?" He asks me.

"Oh I will be going full Sam and Dean on them. I'm going out fighting."

"I'm guessing you watch Supernatural then?"


"I have a friend who watches that. I am sure he would love to fangirl with you over it."

"That would be awesome."

Our pizza arrives and we dig right in. I'm almost halfway through when I spot someone out of the corner of my eye.

A head of green hair on a 6ft tall guy. It could only be one person. I lower my head, hoping that he won't see me. I can see a pair of long legs make their way towarda the table.

Great he saw me. The feet stop next to us, I refuse to look up.

"Hey, man" Josh says.

"Hi, who's this beautiful girl?"

"This is Katherine."

I slowly look up, giving a small smile and a wave. Michaels mouth drops. It's official, he recognises me.


"Wait! You two know eachother?"

"Yeah. She used to date Ashton."

Josh turns towards me.

"You never told me that you knew them."

AN. So guys, Kashton or Jatherine?

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