Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 - Sent From Heaven

Kate POV

What the hell? How could I not know it was him? It seems quite obvious as well, I mean he's   probably just trying to get me to speak to him again. Why is everything happening now?

"Are you going to say anything?" He asks.

"I...I don't know what to say."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It's   just when I bumped into you, I felt like I had to know you. I didn't want you to go out with me just because I am somewhat famous."

So wait he doesn't know who I really am? I should probably tell him, he did tell me the truth.

"There's um... something I need to tell you as well."

"And what is that?"

"I only started using my full name about a year ago. I used to go by the name of Kate."


"And we used to go out!" I stare down at the table, unable to look at him.

"Wait... what?! Kate! My Kate. The one who I regret ever letting her leave me."

"Well I guess so"

He pulls me into a hug across the table, almost spilling his coffee in the process. When he lets go, I finally look up at him.

"I can't believe it's you Kate. I don't  know how I didn't recognise you."

"Well it has been four years Ashton."

"I still should have recognised you!"

"A lot of things have happened since then"

"Such as?"

"Well the release of Mockingjay Part 1 and 2, for starters."

"I see you haven't changed much, still the same old fangirl. Anything else happen?"

"Well I kinda maybe went on a date last night."

Ashton's fists clench together.

"Who with?" He asks, a fake smile plastered on his face.

"Josh Hutcherson." I mumble, knowing that they are friends.

He jumps up, knocking over his coffee and storms out of the cafe. I knew that was going to happen.

Ashton POV

I storm out of the cafe, knowing as soon as I left I had made a mistake. I left her alone again. I had promised myself that if I ever got the chance to start over with Kate that I wouldn't make the same mistake again.

And here I was walking away from her again. All because of jealousy. Obviously she was foing to meet someone else, I mean she is beautiful. But I never thought it woukd be with one of my friends.

I push through the door of the apartment the guys and I are staying in. Michael looks over feom his position on the couch.

"Chill. What did the door ever do to you?"

"Shut up, Michael!"

"Woah! What's gotten your panties in a twist?"

"It doesn't matter."

"I'm being serious. Tell me what's up."

"Fine. You see that girl who I went out with today?"

"The one you haven't stopped speaking about all week, yeah!"

"Well, it turns out that she was actually Kate."

"Really?! Small world."

"It also turns out that last night she went on a date with our good friend Josh!"


"Why don't you seem surprised by this?"

"That may be because I saw her last night when I went to pick up that pizza."

"That's why you took so long? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Maybe because you haven't shown any interest in her since her graduation."

"You don't think I haven't thought her once since then. She is all that's ever on my mind. Have you not ever wondered why I haven't been with any girls since then? That is what you do when you love someone."

"You love her!?"

"Of course I fucking love her. How could I not? She is the most perfect person in existence!"

"Well why are you here with me? Go and tell her this!"

He's right. Why am I standing ranting to him, when I could be telling Kate how I feel?

"Michael! Find out where she is now."

"She is apparently just got called into work. Here's the address."

I quickly grab the address from his hand and sprint out the door. It's only about ten minutes away, I can run that. I charge through the crowds of people, earning a lot of glares but I really couldn't care. I was about to spill all my feelings out.

I make it to the building only to be stopped by a security guard. Luckily he knew I was a friend of Josh's so he let me through.

I quickly look around and spot the back of a long haired brunette. I walk over there determined and tap her on the shoulder. She turns around and I am met by her gorgeous chocolate eyes.

"Ashton!? What are you doing here?"

"I have something that you need to hear."


"Kate, since the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew I had to know you. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. Everytime you looked at me, it sent a shock of electricity through me. I know that sounds really cheesy and you hate stuff like that but it is the truth. Every moment I spent with you made me fall harder for you. I find everything little thing about you perfect even your singing. It may sound terrible to most human ears and probably a lot of animals as well but to me you sound like an angel sent from heaven. I love how you have all these fangirl moments and you don't care what anyone else thinks because that is just who you are. And the reason why I loved you then and to this day is because no matter what you are always yourself. I will love you, forever and always. And that leaves me with one question. You love me, real or not real?"

Tears start spilling from her eyes, making me become really nervous.


A.N So that was the last chapter. Just the epilogue left. Hope you enjoyed it.

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