Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 - Wake Up

Kate POV

How on earth did they find them? Like where do people get this information.

"I think we should probably go before they come in here." Michael says.

We all nod in agreement, pay for our food and leave. Once outside we were all swarmed by the fans. I stood to the side as the guys took pictures with everyone.

I ended up losing them though. There was far too many people for my liking. I tried to push my way through the crowd to find them but I was having no luck.

"What were you doing with them?" One fan yells.

"You better not be dating any of them!"

"Why are they hanging with you, you're not even pretty!"

I felt tears beginning to form so I walked away before any could fall. I don't want to be seen crying.

I make my way home and run up to my bedroom. I flop onto my bed and let the tears fall. After about 5 minutes I turn some music on to get my mind off of it.

It doesn't help. I must've had it up pretty loud as I hadn't noticed the guys getting back.

I notice the door slowly opening so I bury my face in the pillow. The bed sinks as someone sits on it. I look up to see Ashton.

"Babe, have you been crying?"

I simply nod.

"What happened?"

"It doesn't matter." I say, my voice cracking.

"If it made you cry then it does matter."

"It's some of the fans don't exactly like me and they were saying some things."

"Don't listen to them. Whatever they said it's not true."

"I know. It's just they don't even know me and they think it's right to hate me just because I was with you."

"The people who think that are not worth your time. Now come on let's go watch a movie, get your mind off of it. You can have cherry cola!"

"I don't want cherry cola, I want chocolate milk." I mumble.

"Never thought I would hear you deny cola."

"Well you thought wrong." I giggle as we make our way downstairs.


I am awoken by someone violently shaking my shoulders.

"Wake up! Wake up! We have to leave in two hours." Ashton hollers.

I slowly sit up, blinking at the blinding sunlight seeping through the window. I grab some clothes and go into the bathroom to shower.

When I emerge both Ashton and my suitcases are gone. I grab a bag and put in a couple of books, my phone, nintendo and appropriate chargers.

I check the room making sure me and Ashton have everything. I pick up my bag and the duffle bag that Ashton's stuff was in and went downstairs.

I dump the stuff at the front door and go to get food. The boys are sitting eating pretty much anything.  Ashton has coco pops, Calum has toast, Luke has smarties (where did he get them?) and Michael had leftover pizza.

I grab a couple of poptarts and stick them in the toaster. After eating them, me and the boys decide to watch Spongebob until the bus arrives.

Naomi arrives half an hour before we leave so she joins us. Soon the bus is pulling up outside and we are loading our stuff into it.

We say goodbye to my parents, both of them reminding me of their rules and we were off.

I was going on tour with 5SOS!

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