2. You can call me Conejo.

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Please god don't let me die tonight, I'm too young. This can't be it. I really tried to fight him off, to scream for help, but he was much stronger and quicker than I was.

And that is how I ended up over his shoulder.

"Put me down idiota!"

"Shut up." He sternly said, giving me my backside a slap.

I gasped, punching his back. Trying to get him to put me down, but no matter what I tried he just held on to me tighter.

"Stop moving, or I swear I won't hesitate to shoot you."

I stilled, was he serious? 'of course he was serious Hazel! Did you not see him almost shoot that other guy?'

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him. "I promise I wont tell a soul."

I heard the beep of a car being opened, and 'conejo' opening the door, dropping me in the passenger seat.

He looked me in the eyes, reaching over to put on my seat belt. The closeness of his body was a little intimidating but he smelled so good it made me forget about who he was for a second.

"I can't take any chances." His hands grabbed on to the car door. "If you try to escape, I assure you that you wont make it 2 steps before you drop dead."

And there it was, the escapable fear seeping through my veins. He was so terrifying yet so... extremely good looking.

'Hazel look away, you're starring at him too much' my conscience was saying back to me, as I kept my eyes on him while he drove to wherever he was taking me. Why did he have to be so attractive? He was dressed in a long sleeve navy blue and orange FILA shirt and black jeans that made him look so good.

"Stop starring." He said, making me jump in my seat and avert my sight to out the window.

The more he drove the more I felt lost, I didn't know where we were, and that just added to the fear I was feeling. Any wrong move or word and I knew he wouldn't hesitate to shoot me.

I felt his eyes on me, for the second time this night, and it made me nervous.

What if he was thinking of ways to kill me? God I hope its quick and painless. Please, please, don't let him torture me for too long. Oh my god, what's going to happen with my mom when she goes home and realizes I'm not there? She's going to be all alone now. And Jesse, she's going to be freaking out when she doesn't find me after the party.

The drivers' door opened quickly, and before I knew it my door was being opened.

"Come on." Was all he said, yanking me out of the car and locking it.

I looked at my surroundings, we were parked in an empty apartment parking lot but that wasn't the weirdest part. Why on earth would he bring me to some fancy looking apartments if he was just trying to kill me?

Was he going to rape me first? This is not how my first time is going to happen!

"Por favor, let me go." I begged once again, trying to see if maybe he'd change his mind.

He didn't say anything, but kept dragging me towards the elevators. He took out a card and swiped on across the little screen, immediately the doors opened. I took a step back, not wanting to follow him anywhere.

"Don't make me throw you over my shoulder again, chiquita." He caught me by the arm in a vice like grip, and I knew he meant every word.

I remained silent for a while, contemplating what was best for me to do, but my legs seemed to have a mind of its own, walking into the elevators and letting the door enclose me in there with mystery man.

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