5. Nonchalant.

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The sunshine shinning in from the window was my alarm clock the next morning. Without opening my eyes, I reached behind me trying to feel around for the curtains so that I could pull them close. Whatever time it was, I still felt extremely tired so that in my book meant it was still too early for me to be awake.

"Buenos dias, chiquita." An all too familiar voice spoke out.

I instantaneously sat up in bed, my eyes searching for the person.

When my eyes locked to him, I was both, surprised and a tad happy to see he kept his word. He had on different clothes though, a grey champions hoodie, some track pants but his usual smirk.

"You're back." I mumble out, watching him sway from side to side on my desk chair.

"I said I'd be back, and I always keep my promises."

"I didn't expect it to be so soon." I get out of bed, and walk into my bathroom so I could brush my teeth. "How long have you been here?" I ask, when I finish.

"Not long, don't worry I wasn't staring at you while you slept." He walked into the bathroom, standing behind me, as I brushed out my hair. I watched him stare at me through the mirror, murmuring something to himself that I didn't quite catch.

"What was that?" I ask, putting my brush down and turning my body slightly around so I could look at him.

His eyes lingered over my face for a quiet second, as his hand tucked my hair behind my ear. His fingertips softly caressed my cheek, and moving down to my chin he tilted my head up a bit so our eyes were somewhat leveled.

"I said... that even in the morning, you are still the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on."

I shyly smile, averting my eyes from him. My hand travelled down his shirt, feeling the hidden wound.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him.

I watch his eyebrows scrunch together in confusion.

"Fine, why?"

"Your injury..." I string out, putting my hand lightly over his covered wound

"Oh, honestly it's fine." He says, shrugging. "It's not the first time I get stabbed, and it's definitely not the worst."

How could he say that so nonchalantly? This is his life he is talking about and he acts like its no big deal.

"Don't ask questions-" He states, his arms trapping me against the counter. "- because you won't get any answers."

I huff out in annoyance, how the hell did he know I was going to ask him anything?

I cross my arms over my chest, a little annoyed with him, how am I going to get to know him if you won't share anything with me?

"You're cute when you're angry."

Usually a complement like that would have floored me, but at this moment I was angry with him not sharing anything with me. He didn't want to tell me why he was stabbed, and now I'm not allowed to ask questions? Who the hell does he thing he is to boss me around, my dad?

"Don't think about it, chiquita." He said, leaning down trying to kiss me. But I didn't let him.

"No Benito." I turned my head to the other side, making his lips land on my cheek. "I can't keep doing this!"

"Doing what?"

"I can't keep letting you touch me and making me feel all these... emotions, I-I can't let you kiss me like we know each other so intimately." I take a breath, "You can't act like we know each other, because I know zero to none about you."

Benito's eyes look at everything but never land on me. I knew he was going to do that, he was never good at answering me. Always dodging my questions, I don't even know why I try at this point. I didn't want to deal with this right now, especially not on an empty stomach. That made me say things that I'd regret because I was starving.

"I'm going to go make some breakfast." I tell him, before I duck down from his hold and leave him standing there. Something that I have been doing too much.

Once I make it down stairs, I grab the eggs and bacon and start making me something to eat. As I cooked, I listened around to see if I could hear Benito's footsteps coming down but they never appeared.

I tried to ignore the fact that he was here, in my house, but that's all I could think about. Him. He's been occupying my mind for the past week, I knew that he shouldn't be but there was nothing I could do to change that. 

Turning off the stove, I felt my phone buzz from the waistband of my shorts.


"Good morning princesa." I hear Lucas's voice on the other side.

"good morning, what's up?" I ask, grabbing a plate and serving myself some. I leave a good amount for Benito just in case he wants to eat too.

"Nothing, just calling to see if you're good."

"I'm alright, everything's been calm there's nothing to worry about." I reassure him, opening one of the drawers and grabbing a fork.

"Okay that's good," he says, "my breaks over so I got to go but I'll talk to you later, I love you princesa."

"I love you too Luke." I say, hanging up the phone.

I leave my phone on the counter, and grab my plate. I turn around ready to walk to the living room but stop in my tracks when I see Benito standing there. He really needs to stop doing that! He makes no noise whatsoever and that's terrifying.

"I'm leaving." He says, anger in his voice.

Wait why was he mad?

"Okay..." I drag it out. "Are you hungry though? I left some out for you." I say, hoping he would stay.

"I already ate."

I nodded my head, avoiding his stare. "When will I see you again?" I ask.

"I don't know Hazel!"  He practically yells out, his voice sounded so dark and that frightened me.

Why was he speaking to me like that? I haven't done anything to piss him off... at least I don't think I have. And it really stung that the first time he called me by my name it was so cold, so maliciously.

I knew that if in this moment I spoke, my voice would break. I didn't want to admit it but his words hurt, so all I did was nod and trailed behind him as he walked out the door. I stared at his figure as he got into his car, his face turned to look at me, no expression at all, before turning on the car and leaving.

Closing the door, I tried to think of anything I could have possibly said or done but nothing came to mind. How could he just become so cold and ominous towards me with no reason? All I really wanted to was to get to know him and vice versa, but I guess he didn't want the same thing.

Maybe it was a good thing that this happened. After all, he was making me feel things that I didn't want to feel for someone that I barely met. And did I really what to get involved with a criminal? ... I really need to stop thinking about Benito, he has been on my mind for too long now and I really need to start worrying about myself and what I want.

I try to put my feelings aside for the moment and get ready to go to work. Today was a short shift but im sure it would help my mind forget about everything for a while.

I quickly jump into the shower, washing my hair and body as fast as a could. wrapping a towel around my body, I connect the hair dryer but first going to put on some clothes. I grab a random white t-shirt and some black leggings and set it on my bed. Snatching some undergarments, I go back into the bathroom, quickly drying my hair. Once it dried, I put it up in a high ponytail.

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