24. maybe, maybe not

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Benito's POV.

Two days.

For two days I've avoided seeing Hazel. Not because I didn't want to, but because of all the shit going down with rival gangs. It killed me to have to tell her I was busy or that I didn't have time, I knew it wasn't making her feel good but I didn't want to put her in a bad situation, she's had too many of those already.

The guys have been practically living at my loft. With little to no sleep, trying to figure out what would be the next move.

I've had Lunay hack into Deandre's phone, one of the guys from the Black Serpents, a rival gang, in hopes of hearing any valuable information that can benefit us.

Lunay was the youngest in the group, only 19 but he sure made himself useful when he explained all of the techy shit he could do, that none of us could comprehend. In just a few months he was proving himself to be a great asset to the team.

Listening to the conversations was boring as shit, therefore I left Miky in charge of that. I didn't have time to just sit around for something to happen.

Instead, I was making calls, trying to load up on all of the heat we had that we would possibly be using in case of an emergency.

Even though I didn't want it to get to that point, I knew that because of who we were dealing with it would happen. I'm actually surprised Deandre as held off as long as he had.

But it had to end now.

This laying low shit was weighing in on all of us and we still haven't gotten our revenge on whoever stole our shipment.

"Meeting, now, in my office!" I yell out to all the boys, watching them put down whatever they were working on and follow me.

I sit down behind my desk, waiting for all the guys to pile in and find somewhere to sit.

"First order of business, Deandre's crew. We're supposed to get information from Jackson today, y todos los paquetes tienen que venir directo a mi. [and all the packages need to come to me directly.]"

I watch them all nod in understanding.

"We have a run tomorrow, and it needs to go as smoothly as possible." I remind them, as I make sure everyone is paying attention. "Miky, Noriel, and Nicky will be out with me and Lunay and the rest of the Indio guys will say put for new information."

The Indio guys nod their heads, seeming okay with the plan.

"Okay, last order of business. Ricardo." I start. "Since the incident at the book store, I've heard he's been plotting revenge. I don't know if he'll take revenge on us or go after Hazel." Even thinking about him attacking her for a second time makes me want to shoot him all over again. "But because I can't be with her 24/7 I need some of you to become her shadow."

The guys pause for a second, looking at each other seemingly trying to work it out between themselves.

"Jim and I can do it." I hear Ronnie volunteer, Jim shrugging in agreement.

"Perfecto, comienzan mañana! [perfect, you start tomorrow!]

Now that Hazels security was out of the way, I knew I would be able to breathe a little easier throughout the day.

"How about you leave the run to us Conejo." Nicky pipes up, crossing his arms over his chest. "Hazel has been through so much shit. Honestly we're all pretty shocked at how long she's lasted," everyone nods at his words. "You both deserve some alone time..."

Even though the idea was appealing, I didn't think it was the right time to just up and take off with her.

"Ustedes saben que no puedo hacer eso, [You guys know I can't do that.] I can't leave, I'm the leader I need to be here." I shake my head, reclining on the chair.

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