17. What happened?

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Did I hear that correctly? When had he dropped something in my drink I've been here the entire time.

I looked up, my eyes finding Nicky who was steering toward me, his hand reaching into his jacket and giving me a view of his holster. The guy next to me acted quick, slipping one of his hairy covered arms around my shoulder, trying to make it seem as if we were a couple but what he didn't know was that I was dating the boss.

"You're a dead man." I turn my head around, giving the guy a sinister smile.

Confusion flashed across his face a second before it twisted in torture. His arm left my shoulder, as his body was pushed against the bar.

"You will follow me, and if you try to run... let's just say you wont make it very far." Nicky pressed his gun under the guys' chin, waiting for him to nod his head in fear.

Noriel came up to me, wrapping his arm around my back as he escorted me to the office.

I just knew I would get a lecture at the end of all of this. He warned me not to go out, that it was too dangerous for me. But I didn't listen. How would I know that something like this would happen to me?

Seems like I'm a magnet for disaster now.

The hall seemed to be getting longer and longer as we walked, but before I knew it Noriel shouldered a door and walked us in.

A guy quickly shot up from his seat and it didn't take long to realize it was Miky.

"Que carajos pasa?" he asks, as he notices the big man being dragged behind us.

"I think this fucker tried to drug her with something."

"I'll get Conejo." Miky says with a twisted smile. He walked away, disappearing into another room. Not even 15 seconds later Benito comes charging in through the door as tall and impressive as ever. His eyes find me, before they turn looking at my attacker.

"What happened?" he snarled.

Suddenly he was in front of him, removing me from under Noriel's arm and wrapping his arms around me.

"Are you okay Chiquita?" he whispers, against my lips, looking into my eyes.

I nod my head. "I'm just little bit shaken."

He presses his lips against my forehead, before softly pushing me behind him. His body technically covering mine from view.

"This sick fuck dropped something into her drink!" Noriel yelled out, pushing the guy towards Benito.

"What the fuck did you drop in my girls' drink John!" Benito yelled in the guys face, hands balling the guys' shirt.

They knew each other?

"Your girl? I swear I didn't know it was your girl." the guys lower lip was trembling with fear.

"Check his pockets!" Benito yelled out, Miky instantly taking charge and patting down the guy that I now knew as John.

"Here!" Miky yells out, giving Benito a small, empty plastic baggie.

I look at John, not being able to believe that someone would do such a thing! How could I have been so stupid as to take the drink from his hands. that was the mistake on my part.

"Rohypnol!" Benito barked out. "You put fucking roofies in my girls' drink!"

Before I knew it, Benito unzipped his jacket, pulling out a knife from his holster and stabbing it into one of Johns' legs. He twisted and turned the knife, causing him to cry out in pain. Nicky held the man upright, prolonging the mans torture.

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