20. Heart & soul

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The sound of someone moving things around woke me up the next morning. When my eyes adjusted to the sunlight, I saw Benito buttoning up his shirt.

"I was just about to wake you up." He said, when saw me sit up. "I have to go... I need to take care of business."

"Are you going to be gone all day?" I ask, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"I won't be back too late." He kneels on the bed, grabbing my face with one hand and tilting it up. "I promise."he whispers against my lips, kissing them softly.

He winks at me before he grabs his jacket and walks out the door.

My heart begins to race when it hits me.

It's Saturday.

It was happening today.

A part of me was nervous but I was also excited. Now all that was left for me to do was to go on about my day and wait for Benito to get home.


Why was it starting to feel like that here?

It was Benito, it made me feel safe and sound when I was with him.

Getting out of bed, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Drying off with a towel, I stopped and looked in the mirror. I haven't had time to just stop and really think about everything that has happened to me in the last couple of weeks. Specifically in the past 2 days.

It wasn't something that I should exactly take lightly. My life was being put at risk.

But even if I felt that I couldn't handle it.

The mere thought of not being with Benito broke my heart.

I guess the only think left to do now was to listen to him when he tells me to stay away from scenarios that put me in danger. Because even though I knew his life was dangerous I didn't expect it to put me in harm all the time.

Walking into the kitchen, I looked in the fridge trying to find something to eat but didn't get the chance when I felt my phone vibrate.

From; Jess,<3

           Are you still at Bunny mans house? Or are you home?


To; Jess,<3

         Still at Benito's porque, que pasa?

When I put my phone down on the island, I pull out the orange juice and some cream cheese. I open the cabinet doors, and grab the bagel bag and a cup.

It wasn't the ideal breakfast but it would do for now.

Taking a bite into my bagel, my phone buzzes again.

From; Jess,<3

      perfect! I'll be there in 2 minutes

Finishing my bagel, I quickly sprint to my room. I rummage through all the new clothes trying to find some shorts I can put on.

When I hear the monitor buzzing, I hurry back down the hall to buzz Jess in.

Now that I think of it, she was too close... we lived 30 minutes away for her to get here in 2 minutes. Where the hell was she?


"In the living room!" I yell back at her, getting comfortable on the couch.

I reach for one of Benito's soft blankets that he usually keeps over the couch, and I throw it over my legs to give me some warmth.

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