1. House Party

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"Do you think my butt looks big in this?"

I roll my eyes at my best friend, putting my pen down and giving her my full attention.

"Jess, you're going to a house party not a fashion show." I get up and walk over to the mess of clothes she left scattered on my bed. I move around some of it, looking for the pair of light jeans and white mid shirt she tried on first. "Here, this one was the best."

"But that's the first outfit I tried on." She takes it from my hands, confused.

I nod my head, "And that was the best of the bunch, everything else seemed like you're going to the club." I sit back in my chair and try to finish my last assignment. "And put all my clothes back in their place please!"

She waves me off, walking into the bathroom and closing the door.

I didn't really see the big deal in trying to look good for a stupid party, but it didn't matter because I wasn't going. I didn't really feel like going to a party where I knew no one and where I was probably going to end up lost and alone at the end of the night. I had bigger plans for myself this Friday night.

I was going to stay home and binge watch Friends while eating a big bucket of coffee flavored ice cream.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by a knock on my door, it opened revealing my mom.

"Hey mija, I just got paged for an emergency so I need to head in, but call me if anything happens." She says coming closer to me and leaving a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay I'll give it to you, it's pretty cute this time around. Now the real question is... what shoes do I wear with this?" Jesse steps out of the bathroom. "Oh hey Ms. Rodriguez, Como me veo?[How do I look?] "

"Hermosa, como siempre Jessie [Beautiful, like always Jessie]." My mom says, smiling. "You girls going out tonight?"

I shake my head no, signaling that I'm not going.

"Well I am, and I'm trying to convince Haz to go with me but she just wont change her mind." She sighs, pouting at my mom, in an attempt to get her help.

My mom turns to me, and I knew what she was about to say, I just really wish she wouldn't.

"Bebe, you should go out with Jessie, you need a break from all this studying." She closes my book and puts it on the shelf above. "Go have some fun with your friends, its Friday you can study later."

"So let me get this straight, you." I say pointing at her. "My mom." I add. "is telling me." I point at myself. "your daughter, to go out, where there will probably be danger all around, to have some fun?"

She nods." I know I can trust you to do the right thing, mija." Her pager goes off again. "Ok now I really need to go, but please go out and have some fun with your friends Hazel." She adds, saying goodbye to us and running out of the house.

"I absolutely adore love your mom." Jesse smiles at me, walking into my closet again.

"Why can't you wear your own clothes again?" I ask, walking to my bed and watching her rummage through my shoes trying to find the perfect pair for her outfit.

"You just have better taste." She walks out, my white doc martens in her hands. "So come on we have to see what you're going to wear, the party already started."

"Nope, I'm going like this." I shrug my shoulders, I don't even want to go, why put effort into dressing up when its no big deal. "Im comfortable like this, plus I still look cute." I say, getting up and inspecting my outfit in the mirror. I was only wearing a soft gray sweater, some jean shorts and my high-top white converse but it still looked good.

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