4. Kissable

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My heart felt like it was about to erupt out of my chest. The keys jiggled in my shaking hand as I tried to open the door to my house.

Was I crazy for bringing him to my home? Because I sure felt like I was out of my god damn mind.

When I finally got the door to open, I helped Benito walk to the downstairs bathroom where my mom had the first aid kit and other medical things I could use.

"Here, sit down." I point to the sink counter.

He listened, without saying a single word. It was weird though, he hadn't said anything since the alley and that wasn't like him. He always had some smart remark or some way of scaring me shitless.

I bend down, retrieving the kit and looking to see what I can use. I pull out the clean gauze and the disinfectant wipes.

When my eyes met his face, I became very still. His expression was void of any sort of emotion but his eyes gave away the pain he was trying to hide. He had small cuts on his throat and a couple bruises were beginning to form on his cheek. Benito's shirt was covered in blood, well, more like soaked in it.

"Uhm, can you..." I begin to saying, stuttering over my words.

I was relieved to see that he understood what I was trying to say because soon after he started unbuttoning his shirt, revealing all of his wounds and the big gash under his ribs. I tried so hard not to have my eyes wander down, even though I wanted to, so bad. His lips formed a smirk as he shed his shirt and dropped it on the floor, never breaking eye contact.

I ripped open the packet and pulled out a wipe. Unfolding it carefully, I dabbed it against his cut.

"What happened?" In a low voice, I ask him looking up to make eye contact.

He shakes his head averting his stare from me but doesn't say anything.

I wipe a little harder, trying to remove some of the blood that has spilled. Benito twitches but doesn't make any sound of pain.

"Does it burn?" I ask, knowing I would not get an answer back from him.

"Estoy bien." He says surprising me. "Wipe harder, I can take it."

I did, watching him jerk away a few times, but he never told me to stop. Finally, I threw the dirty wipes away and looked for a needle.

"You're going to need stitches."

"I said no hospitals." he simply says.

I smile at him, shaking my head. "I know, I'll do it."

Moving around in the bathroom, I looked for some thread I could use to do the job. I cleaned the needle and prepared it before squatting down a bit to be eye level with his wound.

I made sure my hands were steady and sure, and then slowly pierced his skin. I tried making it quick but precise, not to cause much pain but by the look on his face I wasn't really doing such a good job.

Mumbling a soft 'sorry' I finished stitching him up, and cleaned the blood that trickled down. I grabbed one of the clean gauzes, taping it over his wound. My fingertips lingered on it for a bit, as I looked up at his injured face. I stood up, clutching another disinfecting wipe and patting away at the cuts on his throat. Slowly, my eyes moved up to his face, his eyes already locked on mine. I gave him a small smile, and tossed away the wipes.

"I-I'm going to go get some ice for the swelling on your cheek." I spoke fast, trying to put some space between us, it was getting too hot here and I needed to get away from him as soon as possible.

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