12. Who's This?

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"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" Jesse blurts out when I take a seat next to her. "Where have you been, you hoë?"

I sigh, putting my bag down and taking out my notebook.

"I know Jess; I've been really busy."

"Yeah, real busy with that hot boyfriend of yours." She gave me a sly smile, twirling her pen around in her fingers.

I try hiding my smile, I haven't had the chance of calling her to let her know that Benito and I are actually dating now.

"I knew it!" She practically yells out, making a few of the other students.

"Shh! Be quiet." I shush her, motioning her to zip it when Professor Keller entered the classroom.

"Good morning class!" he said. "Today we will be discussing the short story that was assigned for homework, I hope you all read it."

I quickly look at Jesse, internally slapping myself for forgetting to do homework. I never forget, but spending all of my time with Benito made me forget to do what I was supposed too.

Looking around the class, I see a couple of confused and stressed faces making me feel a little better.

I quickly take out the short story from my binder, trying to skim it really quick.

I hear Professor Keller ask some of the students questions, but I don't pay attention trying to get some grip on what this story was about, but nothing made sense. It was too long to even get half way through it.

"Uhm, Hazel!" Professor Keller calls out, making me stop trying to dissect the concept of the story.


"What kinds of symbolisms can you point out from the text?" he asks.

I try to find something that stands out but once I begin to stutter I know there's no use.

"I- I think that yours is question with many possible answers."

My nerves calm down when I hear people laughing around me.

I see Mr. Keller's lips twitch, wanting to laugh but he quickly hides it.

"Would you like to share one?"

"Not really, but thank you." I quickly say

Mr. Keller seemed to give up getting an answer out of me because he quickly changes the subject. I mentally high five myself for getting out of that alive.

After that small, yet very uncomfortable incident, the class seemed to drag out. By the time the bell rang I was ready to get the hell out, thankfully I had work soon and that would give me some time to catch up on some missed homework. I sprint down the hall, anxious to see Benito as he promised that he would pick me up after I was done. Once I was out the door, my butterflies die down when I don't see him anywhere.

Maybe he's late? That has to be it, he wouldn't just forget about me, would he?

I sit down on one of the benches, taking out my phone and giving him a call. It goes to voicemail all 3 times, so I send him a couple of messages but none get replies. Giving up, I put my phone away and decide to wait for him a bit more.

I try fighting off the terrible feeling that maybe something happened to him, even that would be much worse than him forgetting about me.

Someone takes a seat next to me but I don't look up.

"I don't get a hello?" I hear a familiar voice, making me almost get whiplash from how fast I looked up.

"Luke? What are you doing here?"

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