Chapter 4

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"Hey babe, have you seen my phone anywhere?" Dave asked Karkat as he looked around the room for his phone.

"Uh... no I haven't. Where did you have it last?" Karkat put the book he was reading down.
Dave thought for a moment "I believe it was yesterday, at the farmers market."
"What if you left it there?" Karkat suggested.
"Oh shit! I could have! I've looked all over the house and it's nowhere... maybe I'll walk back over there and check to see if someone found it," Dave said, starting to put his shoes on. "Do you want to come with me?"
"No, I think I'm just going to stay here." Karkat walked over to Dave.
"Alright, I'll see you in a bit then," Dave said, hugging Karkat and kissing his forehead.
"See you in a bit." Karkat smiled and closed the door as Dave left, then went back to reading his book.

An hour and a half later, Karkat was lounging around not doing much, when his phone started ringing. He checked the call display. It was Dave. Karkat answered the phone.
"So I take it you managed to find your phone?"
"Yeah, I did..." Dave's voice answered from the other end.
"So are you on your way home now?" Karkat questioned.
"No, I'm not coming back." Dave replied.
"What do you mean?" Karkat asked worriedly.
"I mean I'm not coming back to the house. Ever. I don't want to see you anymore," he said harshly.
"Wh-what..." Karkat stuttered.
"I don't know why... I guess I thought I could convince my self to actually like you. But I've realized that your not worth it. I don't think I could ever love you."
Tears starting running down Karkat's face "I-I don't u-understand..."
"Let me make this simple for you. I regret wasting my time on you, you worthless peace of shit." Dave hung up the phone.
Karkat slowly lowered the phone, staring at the screen. He threw the phone to the ground and curled up, sobs wracking through his body. He felt like he was in physical pain and he tried to calm himself down, but the tears kept coming. He was crying so much he didn't even hear the door open.
"Karkat I'm ba-" Dave walked into the room and saw Karkat curled up, crying. "Karkat, what's wrong?!" He immediately went to Karkat.
"W-why are you here?" Karkat sobbed, moving away from Dave.
"What do you mean?" Dave asked, sounding confused.
"You know exactly what I mean!"
"Karkat, your making no sense."
"What the fuck do you want Strider?! I thought you said you weren't coming back!"
"When did I say that?!" Dave said in surprise.
"Are you fucking joking?! This isn't funny!" Karkat was clearly getting angry.
"Karkat, just calm down okay. I seriously don't remember saying that." Dave reached over to place a hand on Karkat's shoulder, but Karkat pushed Dave's hand away.
"Yeah right! Let me guess, you don't remember saying that other too, right?!"
"What other stuff...?" Dave was very confused. He didn't remember saying anything.
"You said I wasn't worth it! You said you regret wasting your time on me!" Karkat's anger faded, and he started to cry again. "You sa... said I... I was wor... worthless." The tears kept flowing.
"Karkat, I would never ever say any of that! I promise you I didn't say any of it!" Dave protested.
"W-well you... you phoned me from your phone and you d-did," Karkat sniffed.
"Wait, you got a call from my phone?!" Dave exclaimed.
"Ye...yeah... Why are you so surprised? You... you're the one that phoned me."
"Karkat, I didn't phone you."
"Yes you did. It sounded exactly like you. I'm not an idiot, Dave!"
"Karkat, I know I didn't phone you because I couldn't find my phone," Dave said calmly.
"What?" Karkat was surprised.
"I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find it so I came home."
"But... it s-sounded exactly like you..." Karkat mumbled.
"Karkat, I swear I would never say any of those things. You are not worthless and are not a waste of time. You are an amazing person, and I would spend everyday with you. That wasn't me, you have to believe me."
Karkat hesitated. "I... I believe you I'm sorry..." He bowed his head,
"It's alright. Someone probably found it and decided to mess around. It's not your fault," Dave said, lifting Karkats chin so he was looking at him.
Dave moved closer, and Karkat didn't move away this time,
"I love you so much," Dave said softly, hugging Karkat
"... I love you too." Karkat hugged Dave back almost hesitantly.

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