Chapter 26

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Dave stared at his alternate self, looking at all the blood. The glasses were off, and there was a crazed look in Dave's eyes. He looked almost gleeful as he stood there, soaked in rainbow blood. All was silent for a moment, before Karkat spoke up.

"You don't seem surprised at what's happening here," he said from were he sat on the couch.
Dave turned and looked at him. His smile seemed to grow. "Oh, Karkat, it looks like your feeling better!" He said happily. "I apologize about hitting your head, but I didn't want you getting away~" he giggled, completely ignoring what Karkat had said.
Dave was glaring at him, still holding the knife up. "I thought you were fighting with everyone?"
Dave turned and looked at him "Oh I did and I had a blast!" He exclaimed happily. "You know, that was waaaay to easy! I would have thought you'd plan something bigger, or more challenging, but that was nothing!" He laughed, looking at them. "Oh, and by the way, everyone is dead if you already didn't know that~"
Karkat's eyes winded when he said that. The fight had just started not too long ago, and everyone was already dead. Karkat was speechless as he stood up carefully, but Dave just kept glaring at Dave.
"He's lying," Dave growled.
Dave tilted his head. "What makes you so sure about that?~"
Dave continued to glare at him "Because I know," he said lowly, slowly grabbing Karkat's hand.
Karkat held onto his hand tightly.
"Oh because you know? Maybe you're wrong, ever considered that?" Dave asked with a grin.
Dave kept the knife up and very slowly started moving towards the kitchen. Karkat slowly moved with him.
"Because I can tell when I'm lying to myself."
"Do you think your going somewhere?" Dave suddenly threw his knife at Dave, who reacted quickly and ducked. The knife stuck in the wall behind him. Dave straightened back up and ran, pulling Karkat along with him.
They headed into the kitchen. Throwing the back door open, both of them rushed outside and around to the front of the house. Dave saw the crowd of people. Everyone was still fighting, but the people from this timeline were struggling against the doomed people.
"I knew he was lying. Come on, let's go help." Dave said, looking at Karkat, who nodded and let go of Dave's hand.
"I need a weapon...." he said, looking at him.
Dave thought for a moment, before pressing the knife into Karkat's hand. "Ill run into a house and grab a different one," he said, looking around.
Karkat nodded and turned to the crowd of people.
"Be carful," Dave called, watching Karkat.
"Don't worry, I will," Karkat replied, heading into the crowd.
Dave watched him worriedly for a moment before running into a random house. Looking around quickly, he managed to find a knife. It looked familiar for some reason. He grabbed it and ran out of the house, towards the crowd of people fighting. He looked around for Dave, but didn't see him anywhere. He also looked to see if he could find Karkat, but he didn't see him.
Suddenly, he felt a gust of wind rush past him and he was almost knocked over. He quickly regained his balance and spun around. He saw the alternate John, who had a cruel smirk on his face as he was getting ready to attack again. Dave lunged forwards and started attacking. The two fought with each other. Dave was struggling, because John kept throwing bursts of wind to try and knock him over, but he kept fighting against it. John threw another burst of wind. Dave hadn't been expecting it, and he was knocked to the ground. He fell backwards. John moved to stand above him, holding his hammer, about to bring it down on Dave, who shut his eyes waiting for the impact.
Seemingly from nowhere, there was the sound of a chainsaw, and Dave felt something spatter on his face. Something hit the ground. Dave's eyes opened. John was standing there, looking pissed of and mildly surprised. One of his arms was missing, and he was bleeding heavily. Kanaya was standing behind him with her chainsaw. There was a visible stab wound on one of her shoulders. John had turned to Kanaya and attempted to attack her. Dave scrambled to his feet and backed away, bumping into someone. He quickly spun around, coming face to face with himself.

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