Chapter 27

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Dave tensed up and took a half step back, gripping the knife tightly, staring at his doomed self. This was it. They where facing each other. No one else was paying attention to them.

Dave chuckled, watching him. "Why so tense, hm?" He asked, bearing his bloodstained teeth in a sickening grin. "You scared? I thought you wanted to fight me. I mean, I did put you through hell."
Dave took a menacing step forwards, and Dave brought his knife up threateningly.
"I'm not scared, you asshole!" He growled, tightening his grip on the knife.
Dave just laughed. "Yes you are. You can't beat me. I'm gonna win. People from this time line are already failing, and soon everyone will be dead. Well, except for Karkat. Karkat belongs to me. We're going to be together forever~!" He cackled.

Dave growled and lunged forwards, attacking Dave suddenly. At first, trying to punch him. But his doomed self was fast, and moved out of the way, tripping Dave who fell to the ground and then quickly got back up. He attacked again this, but time his doomed self brought his leg up and kicked Dave in the gut. He gasped, getting winded by the impact. When stood up properly, he moved forwards again, this time using the knife. He managed to stab his doomed self in the shoulder, which sadly seemed to do nothing. Dave had a very high tolerance for pain.
His doomed self looked at the knife, then shoved Dave back. He casually ripped the knife from his shoulder and tossed aside, then slowly started advancing on Dave, who was now slowly backing up.
"You are not going to beat me. I know everything you're going to do before you do it, so why don't you just give up already?" He hissed lowly. The doomed Dave lunged forwards, staring to viscously attack Dave, who let out a shout of surprise and pain. The two struggled against each other but doomed Dave obviously had the upper hand. Soon, he had Dave pinned to the ground, with the knife pointed right at his chest. He slowly brought the knife up. Dave shut his eyes, waiting for the pain, but then Dave stopped, a cruel smile spreading across his face.
"You know what, I think I've got a better idea for you~" he said, flipping the knife around and slamming the handle into Dave's head knocking him out cold.


Dave groaned as he woke up. He looked around. Everything was almost completely silent, except for one voice that sounded angry. He was practically screeching.
"I told you idiots not to hurt him!!! Can't you follow any simple rules??!"
Dave was confused he slowly sat up wincing feeling a stab of pain in his head. He looked around, and was horrified. The ground looked like it was drenched in paint. He could see people on the ground. Everyone from this timeline was on the ground, dead. Everyone was gone. Dave felt sick, then suddenly a thought struck him. Karkat. He looked around and saw him. Dave's eyes winded.
Karkat was on the ground a few feet away from doomed Dave, who was yelling at the group of doomed people. Karkat was on his back, covered in blood, and was barely moving. He looked... dead.
Slowly, Dave moved to his hands and knees. He cautiously started to inch towards him, fighting the urge to assume the worst. His doomed self wasn't attention to him, too busy yelling. Slowly, he managed to get to Karkat. He reached a shaking hand to his neck and pressed his fingers to it. He waited a moment. There was a very, very faint pulse. Karkat was still alive. Dave felt somewhat relieved.
He managed to carefully pick Karkat up. He stayed low to the ground, and started moving away from the crowd. He made it to someone's lawn, then stood and ran in to the house. Quickly, he slipped inside, breathing heavy. He waited to make sure no one had seen him. Then, once he was sure, he moved further into the house and placed Karkat down checking him over.

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