Chapter 23

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Karkat watched as Dave ran away. He was worried for a second when everyone turned to look at Dave as he ran, and then was relived when Dave told them not to go after him. The relived feeling disappeared quickly when Dave tuned to him.

"On the other hand, you, my love, are not going anywhere."
Karkat backed up, scared. He hoped Dave would hurry, and it would't take him to long to get back.
"Oh come on now Karkat don't be scared~" Dave said, smiling, grabbing Karkat's arm and pulling him over.
Karkat tried to pull away from him, but it was hard to do with his leg being in pain.
"Karkat I don't think you want to stay near the house," Dave teased.
"Why not?" Karkat asked, confused.
"You'll see~" Dave said, smirking.
Karkat hesitantly let Dave pull him away. Dave lead him further away from the house Karkat looked back, feeling nervous as Dave turned and looked at John.

"Alright Egbert, go ahead."John smiled and walked towards the house.

"What the fuck is he doing?" Karkat wondered out loud, watching John walk towards the house and go inside.

Dave smirked. "Just watch."
Karkat looked around and noticed everyone else was backing away from the house too now. He stared feeling more nervous. A few minuets later, John come running out of the house, grinning. He ran over to the group. Everyone was on the other side of the street. Karkat was still looking at the house, wondering what he had done in there. A few seconds went by and nothing was happening.
"What did he-" Karkat got cut off as there was a large explosion. He watched as the entire house went up in flames and caved in on itself. Karkat's hands were still tied, so he couldn't cover his ears. He could only stare in horror. He wanted to look away, but couldn't. He felt tears come to his eyes as he watched it burn. Everything was gone. A few more small explosions went off, making the house cave in even more. He looked around at the others. Half of them looked happy watching the house burn. The rest looked bored. Karkat felt scared. He was surrounded by psychos. He slowly started backing away, hoping no one would notice. He kept slowly backing up. Unfortunately, Dave noticed Karkat wasn't near him quickly turned to him. Karkat froze for a moment before turning and running, trying to ignore the searing pain in his leg. Unfortunately, he didn't get too far, as Dave caught up to him easily and grabbed onto him.
"Karkat, why are you trying to run away? You're not allowed, to remember?" Dave said harshly, pulling him over. "You're staying with me you've got that?!" Dave snarled.
Karkat struggled against him. "Let me go you fucking psychopath!"
Dave sighed, grabbed his knife, and slammed the hard handle against Karkat's head. Karkat gasped at the hit and stopped struggling, his vision wavering and then going black as he went limp in Dave's arms.

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