Chapter 1

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(Before we start I would like to say this is an original idea I came up with I have not copied off of anyone, I do have this exact same story written on my Quotev account @ coolestkid that is me I just also wanted to post it on here to get more feedback on the story, I hope you enjoy thanks!)

"What movie do you wanna watch" Dave Strider said, sitting down in front of a bookcase full of different types of movies.

"I don't know! Why are you making me pick?!" Snapped Karkat, who was sitting on the couch across the room, "because why the hell not?" Dave said with a smirk 
"I'll make it easier. Pick a number." Dave turned to look at Karkat, who was thinking.
"Uhh... fifty-three."
Dave turned back to the movie case and counted until he reached the fifty-third movie. "Alright, and tonight we are watching... Split" He paused for a moment, inspecting the movie cover. "Hmm, looks cool," Dave muttered as he stood up and put it in the DVD player.
"What's it about?" Karkat questioned.
Dave looked at the back of the case. "Its about these three girls getting abducted by this dude named Kevin who has twenty-three personalities and is struggling to control all of them," Dave replied. "It's a thriller." He turned off the lights and sat beside Karkat, putting his arm around the small troll's shoulder.
"Sounds interesting," Karkat replied, leaning into Dave.
The movie started off with these three teenage girls who were all friends and were hanging out at the mall. After they were finished, they went to their car and got in. They were about to drive away, when a creepy bald dude got into the passengers seat. The girls were confused and asked the dude to fuck off, but he turned to the girl in the drivers seat stared creepily at her, then sprayed her with this mist that made her pass out. He then locked the doors and sprayed the girls in the back. The screen shows a brief shot of creepy dudes face then cuts to the girls waking up in a room that looks like its underground, and of course the door is locked.Two of the girls start screaming and banging on the door. The third girl makes them stop and seems to be the only calm person there. That's when you know she's the main character and is probably the only person making it out alive. Suddenly, there are creepy ass foot steps from the other side of the door. All the girls back away from the door, looking around desperately for a weapon to defend themselves with. Then the door slowly opens and the creepy bald dude is there, but he is wearing women's clothing and is holding a tray of food. All of the girls are terrified, yadda yadda yadda, this personality is harmless and just gives them food.
Each day the guy comes in as a different "person". One of the personalities takes one of the girls that isn't the main character, and then she never shows back up. They will later learn that she got killed. After twenty-three days living there, the guy comes into the room. But this time he stays and explains to the two remaining girls that he is the original and that he is here to help the girls escape. As they are escaping, he casually mentions a twenty-fourth personality that he has. The girls don't think much of it until suddenly bald dude disappears. The two girls do the stupid thing and look for him. When they find him, he is shirtless and all muscly. He has his back turned to them. The last girl who is not the main character goes over to him and taps him on the shoulder. Bad idea. He grabs her and kills her. The main girl flips out and runs away but bald dude catches up. A lot of blood shed, running, and screaming later, the main girl escapes calls for help and happy ending.
As the credits were rolling Dave checked the time it was half past one in the morning. He stretched and yawned, then looked over at Karkat, who was staring off into space. Dave leaned over and kissed Karkat's temple.
"Ready for bed?"
Karkat yawned a nodded. They both got up and got ready for bed. Karkat laid down and fell asleep almost instantly. Dave got into bed, draped his arm loosely over Karkat, and fell asleep.

It was around four in the morning when Karkat stirred in his sleep. He thought he heard foot steps. He looked around the room nervously, but there was nothing. He closed his eyes, about to go back to sleep, when he heard it again. Foot steps. He tried to ignore it.

I'm probably just hearing things, he thought.
But then suddenly he heard the door creak. He opened his eyes and looked towards the door. Karkat tensed up. He could see someone standing in the doorway, and it looked like they were holding a knife! He squinted to try and see who the person was. It almost looked like... Dave?!
No, that's impossible! He thought. Dave is right be side me.
Karkat squeezed his eyes shut. Maybe he was dreaming. When he opened them again, the person was gone. But Karkat felt really uneasy. He sat up and turned to Dave, who was still asleep.
"Dave? Dave?" Karkat called quietly, gently shaking Dave to wake him up.
"Hmm? Wha is it KitKat?" He mumbled sleepily.
"I think I saw someone standing in the doorway...." Karkat whispered nervously
"You could have been dreaming..."
Reluctantly, Dave got up and went out into the hallway and looked around, then crawled back into bed.
"There's nothing there. Don't worry."
Karkat glanced back at the door. "Okay... if you say so..."
Dave laid down and put his arms out. "Come here."
Karkat went over to Dave and laid down, cuddling up to him.
"Don't worry," Dave murmured. "You're safe. There's no one here. And if there was, I would kick their ass into next year."
Karkat laughed quietly. He was starting to feel sleepy again. The pair slowly fell asleep again, with Karkat purring quietly.

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