Chapter 8

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        The next day, Dave went over to John's house. Karkat decided to stay home to rest a bit more because he still had random throbs of pain in his head. He slept for a while, then got up in search of something to do. He eventually decided he would read his book, but half way through the first chapter his head started to hurt so he stopped. 
        Karkat was very bored. He couldn't find anything to do. He got up, sighing. He hadn't been on his phone in a while. Maybe he could check to see if the person had stopped calling him. He walked over to the drawer he had thrown it in and took it out. He pressed the on button but nothing happened. The phone had died.
        "Dammit..." Karkat muttered to himself, heading upstairs in search of a charger. He managed to find one in his and Dave's room. He plugged in the phone and waited a few minutes until eventually the screen lit up. Karkat unlocked his phone and saw he had over 50 calls from Dave's phone. As he scrolled through all of them he noticed the last time his phone was called was yesterday morning. Karkat sighed. This was crazy.
        "Maybe I should block the number?" He said himself. He was about to do so, when his phone glitched. He was now calling the idiot who was bugging him. Karkat was about to hang up, when he heard a faint ringing coming from the closet. He hit the end button and the ringing stopped. Curious, he stood up and pressed the call button again and he could hear the faint ringing again. He slowly walked towards the closet and opened the door. The ringing was a bit louder now. Karkat looked around the closet but couldn't find where the ringing was coming from. He looked up. There was a shelf that was too high for him to reach. Feeling rather suspicious now, he quickly left and grabbed a chair, brought it to the closet and carefully climbed up. The ringing was now very clear. He moved some stuff out of the way and found where the ringing was coming from.
        It was... Dave's sweater. The one he'd said he couldn't find anywhere. Karkat grabbed it and got down off the chair. He reached into the pocket and pulled out a phone. Dave's phone. Karkat was very confused. Why the hell was Dave's phone here?! It was stolen... wasn't it? Karkat turned it on. This was definitely Dave's phone. He was about to look through the phone when he heard Dave downstairs.
        "Karkat, I'm home!" 
        Karkat tossed the sweater and phone on to the bed. He felt angry. Had Dave been lying to him?!
        He went downstairs. Dave was in the living room. Karkat walked over to him.
        "So, have you found your sweater yet?"
        Dave looked confused by the question. "Um... no, I haven't. Why?"
        "I found it," Karkat said, trying to keep his anger under control. 
        "You did? Where was it it?" Dave asked, standing up.
        "I found it in the closet on the top shelf," Karkat grumbled.
        "Oh, awesome! Thanks!" He paused, noticing that Karkat seemed annoyed. " there something wrong?"
        "Guess what I found with your sweater?" Karkat asked, completely ignoring Dave's question.
        "What did you find?" Dave questioned
        "Take a wild fucking guess! You should probably know!" Karkat snapped.
        "I seriously don't know" Dave said, getting confused.
        "Seriously? Dave I found your phone!"
        "My phone... how did you find my phone? It was stolen." Dave was now really confused.
        "Well obviously not, because it's upstairs with your sweater!"
        "I don't understand how..."
        Karkat sighed in frustration. "Come here." He grabbed Dave's hand and dragged him up stairs, into the bedroom. "See, look-" Karkat stopped dead in his tracks. The sweater was gone, and the phone was as well
        "Okay, where is it?" Dave asked, looking around the room.
        Karkat pointed at the bed. "It was here right here!" Karkat said, moving the blankets around and looking around the bed. "What the absolute fuck?!"
        Dave watched as Karkat rambled to himself, most of it swears. "Uh... Karkat, are you okay?"
        "I don't even know anymore!" Karkat whined, sounding defeated as he flopped on to the bed. Dave walked over to the bed and sat down beside Karkat.
        "I'm sorry for yelling, I was just annoyed..." Karkat said, sitting up.
        "It's alright. So you said you found it on the top shelf and then put it on the bed?"
        "Yeah. I found it up there then heard you downstairs so I tossed it onto the bed and went to talk to you..."
        "I see," Dave said.
        "But apparently there was nothing and I'm going insane," Karkat muttered.
        "I don't know what to say Karkat. I'm just as confused as you are..." Dave paused for a moment "are you mad at me?"
        "No, I'm not mad at you," Karkat said leaning against Dave's shoulder. Dave wrapped his arms around Karkat and hugged him.

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