Chapter 11

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        A week went by without Dave acting strange, and Karkat was feeling hopeful that he wouldn't have to bring up how Dave had been acting. Unfortunately, that didn't last long. Karkat had gotten lost in his book again while Dave was out for a walk. He read for quite a while, and soon the door opened. Dave walked in, closing it behind him. 
        Karkat looked up from his book. "Did you have a good walk?"
        Dave just shrugged, not really answering, and sat down beside Karkat, who leaned his head against Dave's shoulder as he silently started to read again. Dave didn't really react. He just sat there, staying still and silent, staring off into space. Karkat thought that was kind of odd. He waited a few minutes, then put his book down.
        "Is everything okay?" He questioned, sitting up a little.
        Dave frowned "Yeah, why?" 
        Karkat shrugged. "I don't know, you seem quiet.... and you've been acting odd lately."
        Dave stood up turning away from Karkat "I haven't been acting odd."
        Karkat stood up as well. "Actually, you have. You've been getting pissed off and lashing out at me for no reason, then you disappear to John's house and come back acting like it never happened. It's not like you. Is there something wrong?" Karkat placed a hand on Dave's shoulder.
        "No," Dave said, pulling away.
        "It doesn't seem like that to me." Karkat took a step towards him. 
        Dave turned around and smacked Karkat across the face. "There is nothing wrong!" Anger burned in his voice, crystal clear. 
        Karkat stumbled back a bit in surprise and fear.
        "Why can't you fucking listen!? There's nothing wrong so could you just drop it?!" Dave yelled, storming over to the door and leaving, slamming it behind him. 
        Karkat stood there in shock for a few moments, then slowly made his way upstairs to the washroom. He looked in the mirror, and could see a faint red mark on his cheek from where Dave had hit him. He turned around and went to their room. After a while, his phone buzzed. He pulled it out. There was a text message from John.
        "​​​​​​Hey karkat this is Dave from Egberts phone just wanted to let you know I'll be home in about an hour and John's gonna come with me I'll see you soon <3"
        ​​​​Karkat read the message, but didn't respond. He was very confused. He shut his phone off grabbed a sweater, deciding to go for a walk himself. He left the house, walking in the direction opposite to where Dave had gone. He wandered around aimlessly, lost in thought, trying to figure out what to do. He walked to a park and sat down on one of the benches. For half and hour, all he did was sit there, thinking about what he should do about Dave. But nothing seemed right.
        Eventually, his phone started ringing. He answered it.
        John's voice came cheerfully through the phone. "Hey Karkat, Dave was wondering where you went?"
        Karkat sighed a little. "I went for a walk. I'm heading home now."
        "Alright see you" John said, hanging up. 
        Karkat rolled his eyes and put his phone in his pocket, starting to make his way home. 
        A while later, Karkat was approaching the house. Dave and John were standing outside the door. John leaned up and gave Dave a hug. Dave hugged him back smiling and then pulled John into a kiss. Karkat stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide, feeling a million things at once. None of them were good feelings.

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