Chapter 25

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When Karkat woke, he felt a stinging on his head. He groaned slightly and opened his eyes. He saw Dave standing over him, cleaning his head, it seemed and tensed up immediately.

Dave looked down at him, noticing he was awake. He smiled, but it faltered when he noticed Karkat was tensed up and seemed scared.

"What's wrong?" he asked worriedly.
Karkat could hear the worry in his voice and calmed a little, but was still tensed. "You're normal Dave, right?" He asked quietly.
"Oh, yeah, I'm normal Dave" he said reassuringly. He reached up and slipped his glasses off to show that there was no scar.
Karkat relaxed instantly. Dave smiled a little and resumed cleaning his head, more carefully now that Karkat was awake. He could feel it more he winced slightly.
"Sorry," Dave said quickly, trying to do it a bit more gently.
"Its alright," Karkat mumbled, shifting. He noticed that his leg didn't hurt as much as before. It still hurt, just less. He look and noticed it was bandaged up. He smiled a little.
"How did I get in here?"
Dave had now started to bandage his head. "Well I think the other me knocked you out, and when I got here, everyone was just standing there, and you were on the ground. When our friends got here, everyone started fighting and other me brought you in here. When he went to fight, I snuck in here," Dave explained as he finished up with the bandages.
Karkat tried to sit up but it made him feel lightheaded. "Fuck" He winced
"Hey just relax for a bit," Dave said softly. He gently pushed Karkats shoulder to get him to lay back down.
"But shouldn't we go out there and help everyone else?" Karkat asked, letting Dave push him down.
Dave shook his head. "You need to rest for a bit. I'm sure everything is under control" Dave hesitated. "...we can go in a bit" He sat down on the edge of the couch. "Alright" Karkat muttered, looking up at him.
It looked like Dave was about to say something else, when the sound of the door opening could be heard. Dave quickly got up, grabbing the knife, and held it up defensively. Karkat sat up quickly, wincing as a wave of light-headedness hit him. There were slow foot steps heading towards were they were, and then Dave slowly walked into the room, not looking surprised. He was covered in blood, and not just one color. It looked like a rainbow threw up on him. Green, teal, blue, purple, yellow, and rust red literally dripped off of him, leaving a trail of splatters where he walked. His knife hung at his side, and had teal blood dripping from it. He had a wide grin plastered on his face.
"Hello boys~"

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