Chapter 5

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Karkat's phone was ringing for the millionth time. It had been happening for a few days, and Karkat was getting sick and tired of this person bugging him. He grabbed his phone and answered it.

"Fuck off you annoying peace of shit!!" Karkat yelled into the phone. He ended the call, but a few seconds later the phone rang again.
Karkat sighed in frustration, shut his phone down and threw it into a random drawer. He flopped on the couch.
"I heard yelling. Are you still getting calls?"
Karkat turned and saw Dave standing in the doorway.
"Yeah. I swear I'm gonna snap my goddamn phone in half," Karkat said, grabbing a pillow and shoving his face into it.
Dave walked over and sat down beside Karkat. "That might be a bit hard to do." He pulled the pillow away from Karkat's face.
"Yeah I guess you're right," Karkat sighed, leaning his head agents Dave's shoulder. "But I sure as hell could try."
"You definitely could," Dave laughed.
"Seriously, it's so fucking annoying! I wish who ever that was would just stop already!"
"I know it's annoying. Hopefully who ever it is will get bored and give up." Dave put an arm around Karkat.
"Why don't we go do something to get your mind off the stupid phone?" Dave suggested.
"Sure, why the hell not? What have you got in mind?"
Dave thought for a moment. "We could go to the library and get this exchanged?" Dave picked up the book Karkat had been reading.
"Good idea I'm finished that one." Karkat said, getting up and hitting Dave with the pillow.
"I've been known to have those every now and then," Dave replied, grabbing the pillow from Karkat and hitting him back. He then tossed the pillow back onto the couch.
The two of them got ready and headed to the library.
Ten minutes later, Karkat and Dave were at the library. Karkat went and returned his book, while Dave wandered over to the comic books. After Karkat returned the book, he walked over to a section of books and looked for something new to read. He looked around for a bit, but couldn't find anything good, so he went to the next aisle and looked around until he eventually found a something that looked interesting. He was about to go find Dave, when suddenly he was shoved hard from behind. Karkat fell to the ground. He quickly looked behind him and caught a glimpse of someone turning the corner. He quickly got up and went after the person, but has he was turning the corner he ran right into Dave.
"Oh, hey did you find a book?" Dave asked.
"Yeah," Karkat said looking past Dave, trying to see if anyone was there. But they were alone.
"What's wrong? You seem confused."
"Someone pushed me. Did anyone walk by you?"
"Uh... no were the only ones here at the moment."
"Well then who the hell pushed me?"
"Maybe you tripped?" Dave suggested.
"Dave, I was standing still," Karkat said, crossing his arms in annoyance.
"Well, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe it was a ghost?" Dave joked. "Are you okay?" He asked, hugging Karkat.
"Yeah, I'll live. Let's go." Karkat hugged Dave back. They walked towards the desk so Karkat could take out the book, then the two left the library and went home.

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