Chapter 9

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        A few weeks later, Karkat was feeling better. The two of them had just decided to drop what happened, since neither of them knew what to make of the situation. Karkat was in their room, sitting propped up agent a pillow, reading his book. He wasn’t really paying attention to what was going on around him, so he didn’t notice Dave enter the room. Dave walked over to Karkat and flopped on the bed, resting his head in Karkats lap.
                “Karkat, I’m boooard,” Dave whined.
                Karkat glanced down at Dave. “Then why don’t you do something?”
                Dave poked the back of Karkats book. “There’s nothing to do.”
                Karkat sighed and put his book down, but despite sounding annoyed Karkat smiled. “Okay then, what do you want to do?” he started running his fingers through Dave’s hair.
                “I don’t know. That's why I decided to come and bug you,” Dave said closing his eyes slightly.
                “Well then lets find something to do.”
                "But I don’t want to move now. I’m comfy.”
                “Aw, you poor baby,” Karkat teased, kissing Dave lightly and pulling away.
                “Hey…” Dave pouted at the short kiss and grabbed the front of Karkats shirt, gently pulling him down into another kiss.
                Karkat smiled and kissed Dave back, leaning down a bit more. Dave was about to sit up so he could put his arms around Karkat when there was a loud crash from downstairs. Both boys jumped, pulling away from each other.
                “What the fuck was that?!” Karkat said, getting up and listening to see if there was any more noise coming from downstairs. “We should probably go check it out..."
                "Yeah, probably," Dave said, getting up as well and following after Karkat, who was already out of the room.
                Karkat got to the top of the stairs and was about to go down, when he felt hands on his back pushing him forward. He cried out in surprise as he went tumbling forwards, falling down the stairs and landing at the bottom a few feet away from the last step.
                "Ow... fuck..." Karkat swore, feeling a throb of pain in his shoulder. He looked over at the stairs and saw Dave sprawled out half on the bottom step and half on the ground.
                Dave sat up wincing "Sorry..." Dave said grabbing his glasses, which had fallen off during the fall.
                Karkat had felt a little distrusting towards Dave ever since the thing with the phone happened, and he hated himself for being like that, but the question was out of his mouth before he could even think about it.
                "Did you push me?" Karkat said, sounding a little annoyed.
                Dave looked over at Karkat with guilty expression. "Sort of. I tripped and fell into you. I'm really sorry. Are you okay?" Dave sounded extremely worried.
                Karkat felt a pang of guilt seeing how worried Dave was. He hadn't meant to sound so annoyed. His voice softened. "It's alright. It was an accident. I'm fine."
                Dave got up, quickly going over to Karkat and helping him up. "Are you sure your okay? You're not just saying that are you?" Dave said, his expression still laced with worry."
                "Yes Dave, I'm fine. I promise." Karkat smiled a little.
                "Okay, good." Dave hugged Karkat. "Come on, let's go see what that noise from before was."
                The two of them went into the living room, and could see right away what was wrong. One of the windows in the living room had been smashed. Dave looked around to see what could have broken it but there was nothing. Karkat carefully picked up a larger price of glass and noticed something on it.
                "Uh... Dave?"
                "I think some of this glass is covered in... blood...?" Karkat said, looking closer at it.
                Dave looked around at some of the other glass and noise some red on other pieces as well. "Did someone punch our window or something?"
                "That's what it looks like..." Karkat muttered, dropping the piece he was holding.
                "Well then... I guess we should clean this up," Dave said, going to get a broom. He came back a few seconds later with two brooms, handing one to Karkat, and the two of them started cleaning up the bloodied glass.

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