Chapter 4 - You Again?!

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Layla's POV

"Good night, Austin." As he was about to walk towards his truck, I finally saw who lives in that house across the street. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me!!"

Austin stopped in his tracks and walked back to me. "Layla, is everything okay?" 

"Yesterday while my mother watched Braelyn, my friends took me out to a club because of the bad day I had at work because of you. You kept calling me and it was getting on my nerves. By the way, please don't do that again. Anywho, they thought I needed a night out. It had been a while since I went out because Braelyn is my priority - nothing comes before her."

"Well, anyway, while at the club, Alicia and I went to get something to drink. While walking back to our group, jerk of the year over there walked into me and started screaming at me that I owe him for spilling his drink on him. Which, I did not. Then, he started talking crap about his clothes costing more than what I make a year. Austin, I make six figures a year. I doubt his clothes costs that much. You don't have to stay. I can handle him. His type doesn't scare me."

"Are you sure? I don't mind staying. I can leave early in the morning. I actually keep a change of clothes in my truck, just in case of an emergency. Does Braelyn go to daycare? I can take her."

"I take her with me to work. I do not want my baby girl going to daycare. She doesn't bother me at all. Sometimes, she even picks out different colors for some of my designs. We will soon be starting a children's line inspired by Braelyn."

"I see. I'll be calling about visiting again. And, sorry for disturbing you at work."

"Wait, before you leave, here is my cellphone number. It is 246-802-4680."

"Got it. Good night, Layla." After that, he walked to his truck, got in and drove off.

Jerk of the year waited until Austin left to come over. "How can you afford living in this area? And, you still owe me for my outfit."

"It is none of your darn business how I can afford to live here. And, like I said at the club, I DO NOT OWE YOU ANYTHING! Get that through your thick head! You can't talk to me at all, 'Mr. I have a different woman almost every night.'" 

"That is none of your business who comes to my house!" 

"It is my business when my four year old daughter sees that kind of stuff!"

Nolan's POV

Dang, I can't stand her, but she is totally making me want to take her back to my place and do unholy things to her. Look at how those yoga pants and how they hug her body. And, that tank top - I just want to rip it off. If only for one night.

"That is not my problem you have a four year old child. Cover her eyes. You are going to regret your decision of not paying me. I am going to make your life a nightmare now that I know you live here."

"You don't scare me. I'm a grown woman. I can't stand you!!! Now, get off..........."

To shut her up, I grabbed her and kissed her succulent, plump lips that were screaming to me. She started punching me in my chest. She eventually wiggled away from my hold.

"What the heck you do that for?!! Now I am going to have to wash my mouth because I don't know what your lips have touched."

"One, I can't stand you neither. Two, you were getting on my nerves. And, you wish you was one of those girls walking in my house."

"Not even in a million years would I set foot in that house! I don't want to catch whatever disease you have!"

She then punched me in the gut and said, "Stay away from me and my daughter or else I will make your life a living nightmare!" And, then walked back in her house and closed the door.

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