Chapter 39 - Goodbye NYC

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Monday, March 29th, 2021

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Monday, March 29th, 2021

Kim's POV

We are taking a short flight back to New York so I can talk to the sales team about moving. Then, I am having a chat with Adrian about the plan for Bliss.

We are going to take her to a resort in Barbados for a day or two of relaxing. And, of course, a secret bachelorette party that Bliss has no idea about.

I am still admiring my engagement ring. It is absolutely beautiful. It still feels like a dream that come August 21st, I will become Mrs. Austin Mitchell. He is asleep right now on the plane. Me, I couldn't sleep a wink. I'm still on cloud 9.

Jay and Tina are coming to pick us up when we land in New York, which we should be doing soon. Shane let us fly back with him and Bliss. He has a meeting with Nolan Grant's parents about the buying of their company.

That was unacceptable of him to try and steal Layla and Bliss' businesses. Talk about lowdown and dirty! He makes me sick.

Shane's flight attendant announced that we need to buckle our seatbelts.

"Austin, wake up. The plane is about to land. You have to put your seatbelt on."

I know what will wake him up. I started stroking his arm up and down and whispered sweet nothing's in his ear. "You and me in a.........."

He opened his eyes fast. Shane and Bliss were laughing.

"Seatbelt time, buddy. Buckle up because we are about to land in NYC."

"I'm holding you to what you whispered, you know," Austin said as he buckled up.

"I know you are. But, you will have to wait until Bliss, and I finish our meeting. How about you pick me up at the office?"

"I will be there with bells on."

Within 15 minutes, we landed at the airport.

"There is a private entrance now for private planes. Jay and Tina are waiting for you ladies at that spot. It is a quick ride. Austin and I will grab your bags."

"Okay. Thanks, Shane." Bliss and I got off the plane. Shane and Austin followed behind us with our bags.

Then, we took a short ride through a tunnel to a private parking lot, where we saw Jay and Tina waiting for us.

Bliss gave Shane a kiss, and I gave Austin his taste for the morning.

"What time is your meeting over?"

"Bliss and I were thinking about two hours, so I'll say 3:00 pm. If we need more time, then I would say 5:00 pm. I'll send you text."

"Okay. See then. Shane is going to take me to my house."

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