Chapter 14 - Where's Layla?

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Kamea's POV

Something about that guy seems off. "Noeli, did that guy seem familiar to you?"

"No, not really. Why do you say that?"

"I can't place it, but he looks very familiar. Like he asked Layla for her autograph on purpose. And, I think that is why he paid for our dinner so he could talk to her." I wracked my brain the whole time we walked to the movie theater. 20 minutes had gone by and no Layla.

We waited another 20 minutes. Still no Layla. Suddenly, I knew who it was.

"Oh no! Now I know who that was! He is here! I know those beady eyes anywhere!"

"Who is here, Kam?"

"Chase! And, Layla is his target!!!!!!!"

"He is after Layla just like he is with me!!!"

"I'll call Cris, Kam. We need you to calm down."

Cris' POV

We sat down with the kids and watched "Cars." The boys liked it, but the girls didn't. I heard my phone ringing and saw that it was Noeli calling me.


Cris - "Hey, what's up? Is everything okay?"

Noeli - "Kam is hysterical!! She saw Chase. And, we haven't seen Layla in over an hour. He paid for our meal and asked Layla for an autograph. I didn't know who he was but did notice him having 'eye sex' with Layla."

Cris - "Wait for us at the entrance! We are on our way!!!"

Noeli - "Please hurry, Cris! Layla has been through enough this week with what happened in Milan!!"

Cris - "We will be there!!!"


"Yo, Marco and Ryan, let's go now!! Layla is in danger. Noeli said Kamea saw Chase and he is after Layla!!"

Braelyn heard me say Layla's name. "Is my mommy okay, Uncle Cris?"

"Sweetie, a very bad man is after your mommy. We are going to get her and bring her home, okay?"


"Lollipop, come over here. Cris, we will watch the kids. Please bring Layla back safely."

Even though Austin and Layla are not together, he still cares for her very much. I can see it in his facial expressions when he sees her. I think he still loves her. But, that is none of my business.

"I'll come with you, Cris."

"Thanks, Mr. Toscano."

Marco drove and Mr. Toscano rode with him. I drove and Ryan rode with me.

We got there in about fifteen minutes when it usually takes about 30 minutes. I am surprised we didn't get a ticket. We didn't even bother with a parking space. We stopped both vehicles at the front entrance and ran inside. We saw them in the front. Kamea and Noeli were both crying.

"Has Layla come back yet?"

"No she hasn't! Who knows what he is doing to her!!!" Kamea said while crying and screaming at the same time.

"Listen love, I need you to calm down."

"I am going to kill him!!!!"

"Where did you all see Layla last time?"

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