×New life×

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"Everything will be fine.."

"A new life.."

"A fresh start.."

"New highschool,new house,and most probably new friends.."

"Who am I kidding..I'm not excited at all.." Jaemin released a deep sigh as he sat on his bed and twirled a pen.

"Aish..stop thinking about negative things,Nana!" his mom yelled from downstairs

"Eh?! How did you--"

"You're talking to yourself..It's pretty obvious that I heard you,isn't it?" she laughed and came to his room

His mother sat down beside him and ruffled his hair.

"Is that a new ear piercing I'm seeing? It looks so cool on you,sweetheart..it makes you look..hmm..manly!"  his mom chuckled

"Yah! Of course I look manly! I'm not a kid anymore!" Jaemin retorted

"Stop being so aggressive..it's not good for your health"

Jaemin could only sigh..

"Anyway..dinner is ready..come eat with me"

"Mhm" he followed his mother downstairs


"Lee Jeno.."

"What should I do with you,huh?"  someone whispered

"L-Let me go" Jeno gulped

"Wrong,sweetheart..That's so WRONG" the stranger chuckled

"W-why?" Jeno's voice came out strained and nervous

"Because you're mine..only mine.."

Jeno quickly sat up from his bed.

"What the hell was that dream?! Why is my face burning? My ear is tingling too..what the--" the dark haired male widened his eyes in horror

"Who was that boy?.." he whispered

Then he glanced at the clock and yelled when he realized how late it was.

"Shit! Classes are almost starting!"


"A new transfer student? Hmm..interesting" Mark sat down in his seat

"Indeed..I hope he's nice..I don't want any more creepy,weird and violent classmates" Renjun shivered

"Mhm" Donghyuck nodded

The teacher came in and interrupted their little chat.

"Silence! The new transfer student is just about to come! Act normally and make a good impression or else I'm giving you all extra homework! Understood?" the teacher spoke up sternly

《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now