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Jaemin slowly opened his eyes and tried to sit up, but his throbbing head made him wince and fall back down.

Panicked, Jeno scooted closer to him and caressed his head.

"Nojam?.." Jaemin muttered softly

Hearing this, Jeno sighed in relief and smiled brightly.

"Nana? How are you feeling?" he spoke quietly

"My head hurts..what happened?" Jaemin asked with a little frown on his face

"Your alter ego possessed you for almost a month.." Jeno replied with a weak smile.

"Oh..so you already know, huh?..well..I understand if you hate me and don't want to be my friend anymore-"

"What are you talking about? I don't hate you..I still want to be with you..It's not your fault, Nana.Even though your alter ego acted like a dick, I was still by your side.How could I leave you when you're back to normal again?" Jeno smiled and kissed Jaemin's forehead.

The younger blushed and smiled back.

"Do you remember anything?" The black haired asked as he played with Jaemin's hair.

"I only remember your confession..aside from that...no" Jaemin closed his eyes and focused on Jeno's soft touch.

Jeno hummed and ran his hand through the younger's hair.

Jaemin's eyes trailed from Jeno's face to his bruised neck.He gasped and stood up.

"What is this, Jeno? Who did this to you? When did this happen?" Jaemin widened his eyes and brushed his finger across Jeno's neck.

"It was you, Nana" Jeno chuckled and intertwined their hands.

"W-What? I did this?" Jaemin mumbled guilty.

"Not once but twice"

"I-I'm sorry, Jeno.." Jaemin looked down at their hands

The older smiled warmly and carefully gripped his jaw.When their eyes met, Jeno pecked his forehead.

"Don't blame yourself.I actually enjoyed it.At first I was kinda uncomfortable knowing that your alter ego was literally attacking me but then I realised that it's still you..I came to realise that with or without the alter ego, I still love you." Jeno whispered and caressed Jaemin's cheek.

"I never got to tell you..but..I love you too, Nojam" Jaemin blushed and tried to cover his face but Jeno chuckled and gripped his hands.

They stared at each other for awhile and then Jeno pulled the younger into a sweet and innocent kiss.

After a few moments,Jaemin pulled back and looked around.

"Now that our feelings are clear...why are we in a tent?"


"Are you really together?" Donghyuck asked with a smile on his face

"Congratulations!" Renjun cheered

"Is this real? Is this really happening? Oh my god I'm crying-"

"I think Chenle wants to say 'Congratulations'" Jisung smiled

"My kids grow up too fast" Mark wiped a fake tear

"Thank you guys!" Jeno thanked them all and scooted closer to Jaemin.

They were currently going back home.The younger was looking out the window, completely unaware of Jeno's presence.

Jeno smirked and pulled the younger on his lap.The other students didn't really care about them, and Jeno was grateful.Jaemin looked at Jeno with raised eyebrows as he fidgeted in his lap.

"Stop doing that, Jae" Jeno warned but the younger only smiled innocently.

"What are you talking about?" He asked and continued bouncing on Jeno's lap.

"I swear to god, Jaemin-"

"Alright guys! We're here! Get your asses out of this bus and go home!" The driver announced loudly.

All the students parted ways and left, except Jeno and Jaemin.

They walked hand in hand towards Jaemin's house.

"Why did you do that?" Jeno's voice deepened

"What?" Jaemin smiled cockily

"Don't play innocent..you know what I'm talking about" Jeno frowned and pushed Jaemin in a dark alley.

"I really don't know what you're talking about" Jaemin said

Suddenly, the older harshly pushed Jaemin against the wall and attacked his lips.

Jaemin was quick to respond to the heated moves of his lips.He circled his arms around Jeno's neck and deepened the kiss.

Jeno took Jaemin's bottom lip between his teeth and nibbled on it, making him whine.

"Your mom must be worried..let's go" the black haired whispered against Jaemin's lips and dragged him out of the alley.

Jaemin smirked and jumped on Jeno's back.

The older gripped his thighs and ran through the sea of people, not caring about their judging stares.

"NOJAM! RUN FASTER! A DOG IS AFTER US!" Jaemin laughed loudly and held onto Jeno as if his life depended on it.

"HOLY SHIT! YOU'RE CHOKING ME, NANA" Jeno coughed but kept running.



"Guys! You're back!" Jaemin's mom yelled and hugged them tightly

She smiled brightly when she found out that Nana is back.She even let Jeno stay the night.

"Goodnight kids!" She ruffled their hair and left

The boys jumped on the bed and hugged each other tightly.

"I love your mom..she's so cool" Jeno yawned and kissed Jaemin's head.


"Goodnight, Nana..love you"

"Goodnight, Nojam..love you too"

A/N To satisfy everyone, I decided to make Nana a bottom and the alter ego a top..is that okay? Anyway..hope you liked this chapter!

Side note: thank you for 200 followers >_<

Have a nice day ♥

《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now