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"Why are you smirking? Are you crazy,honey?" his mom asked with an amused expression plastered on her face.

"Me? Smirking? Tch..are you hallucinating?" Jeno denyed her accusations with a hand gesture.

"You were thinking about something...or should I say someone?" she grinned mischeviously at her scowling son

"What the heck are you talking about,huh? I'm not!" Jeno whined

"Language,Lee Jeno" she pointed the fork at him

"Anyway,I'm leaving" Jeno announced as he took his backpack and rushed outside

She peeked over the table,to see Jeno's phone.She took it and examined it.A gasp left her mouth when she noticed a picture of a handsome boy as background for Jeno's phone.

She smirked and put the phone back.

"So that's what you've been smirking at..huh..interesting"

Jeno was running towards school.He was late.Usually,he wouldn't care if he was late or not.But today was different.He wanted to be on time,just to see a certain someone.

"Lee Jeno! You're late again!-"

"Yeah,whatever"Jeno cut him off and sat down beside a sleeping Jaemin.

He couldn't help but stare at him.His pink and soft lips slightly open,his messy hair,the frown on his face and calm breathing had Jeno gawking.

His gaze wandered back to Jaemin's lips.

Oh holy heaven..how much I want to kiss him again-

"Stop staring" Jaemin mumbled hoarsely,making Jeno shiver.

"Who said I was staring..tch"

"I saw you"

"How?! Your eyes were freakin' closed!"

"Stop yelling..I have a head ache" Jaemin groaned as he covered his head with his hoodie

"What? Are you okay?-"

"I'm fine..now shut up..the teacher is looking at you"

"Seriously..how do you know that?!" Jeno widened his eyes when he came in sight with his angry teacher,staring right into his soul.

"Stop.Talking." he mouthed

Jeno rolled his eyes and put his hand on Jaemin's head,massaging it.

The black haired male looked at the younger in shock when he heard him release a deep sound of satisfaction.

"J-Jaemin? Are you okay?"

"Mhm..keep doing that..I like it" Jaemin mumbled in a hoarse tone.

Jeno gulped loudly and prayed internally.

《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now