×Catching feelings?×

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Jeno was laying on his bed rethinking his whole life.
His mistakes,his bitchy attitude,all the innocent people he bullied..

"Man..I really have to become a better person"

As he was still lost in thought,he got a message.


Na Jaemin

Jeno could feel his heart skip a beat.He gulped and then took a deep breath.

Lee Jeno

Na Jaemin
Want to go somewhere with me?

The older's heart stopped functioning.He couldn't even react.It was all too sudden.His cheeks became rosy and his gloomy mood vanished.

A warm smile plastered on his face and with shaky hands he began typing.

Lee Jeno
What? Me?

Na Jaemin
You don't have to.

Lee Jeno
No! That's not it! I was just..surprised..Of course I'll come.

Na Jaemin
No one wanted to come with me..so..I..uhm..thought you could?

Lee Jeno
Cute ^^

Na Jaemin
Anyway..meet me in front of your house at 9 pm.

Lee Jeno
Okay Nana ^^ 

Lee Jeno changed Na Jaemin's nickname to NaNa ❤

NaNa❤ changed Lee Jeno's nickname to NoJam

"NoJam?" Jeno raised an amused eyebrow at the unusual nickname.

He smiled and tried to calm his thumping heart.


"I'm telling you! They look really good together!" Chenle screamed at Mark

"One question..How can you ship them? They're not even friends" Mark frowned

"One question..ARE YOU BLIND?! They're perfect for each other! Nana hyung can change Jeno's attitude and Jeno can change Nana's! You're just stupid Mark hyung!" Chenle threw his french fry at Mark with a judging stare.

"He's right" Donghyuck nodded as he smacked Mark

"Hyuck! Why are you hitting me? I thought I could trust you! Oh god..the betrayal..the amount of disrespect.." Mark faked a cry and turned his back on Donghyuck

Seeing this,the younger smiled and jumped on Mark's back.

"Hmm? Yah! Hyuck!"

"Sorry for hitting you..my poor baby" Donghyuck ruffled Mark's brown hair.

"Where's Jisung Pwark?" Chenle asked with blushing cheeks

《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now