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Their communication project was done,but Jeno's annoying questions didn't seem to end,and Jaemin was beyond pissed.
Jeno came to his house everyday and messed his bed,jumped on him,hugged him,and so on..

"Get off" Jaemin sighed as he attempted to escape Jeno's tight hug

"No" Jeno whined

"What can I do to make you leave me alone?" Jaemin mumbled quietly as he looked at the pouting Jeno

"Kiss me?" Jeno looked up at the frowning Jaemin,and stared at his handsome features.

"No..get off" Jaemin took Jeno's arms and tried to push him away but he failed,since the older only hugged him tighter.

"You're comfortable" Jeno nuzzled his face in Jaemin's hoodie and purred in satisfaction at the manly scent.

Suddenly,Jaemin's phone buzzed.The younger took his eyes from the adorable Jeno and looked at his phone.




"Hey Nana!" Mark greeted

"Hey" Jaemin replied,looking at the snoring Jeno,snuggled in his large,black hoodie.His head was still on his chest and his arms were wrapped around his waist.

The younger wanted to smile at the cute sight but he quickly snapped out of it and focused on his conversation with Mark.

"I just wanted to ask you..how is the project going? Mine and Hyuck's is done already" Mark asked

"It was horrible but fortunately,it's finally done." Jaemin replied

Mark sighed in relief

"I'm glad.Anyway,what are you doing?"

"I'm stuck"

"What do you mean by 'I'm stuck' ?" Mark laughed

"Jeno trapped me in his arms and I can't get him off..the worst part is that he's sleeping" Jaemin ruffled his hair

"Woah woah WOAH...hold up buddy..how did this happen?" Mark yelled and Jaemin had to take the phone away from his ear.

"First of all,stop screaming.Second of all,he just hugged me and wouldn't let go.Now,all I can do is wait 'til he wakes up."  Jaemin said flatly

"Why don't you just wake him up and send him home?" Mark questioned

"I don't like to wake people up..He looks so peaceful.I don't want to ruin his sleep" Jaemin glanced at the sleeping Jeno as he mumbled.

"Since when do you care about other people?" Mark chuckled

"I don't..I just don't want to wake him up" Jaemin frowned

"Ok,I got it..just don't let him do something stupid.He's a damn player" Mark warned

"I figured it out.." Jaemin sighed

"Well..I wish you luck,Nana..I'm going.I have to make Hyuck shut up" Mark laughed

"Mhm..bye" Jaemin ended the call and threw his phone away.

His gaze went back to Jeno.Jaemin rested his back against the headboard and checked the time.

It was already getting late,and he thought that Jeno won't wake up soon.

Looks like you'll sleep here..with me..on my bed..in my room..snuggled in my damn hoodie..such misfortune..

As Jaemin was lost in his thoughts,Jeno stirred and adjusted his position.He gripped Jaemin's hoodie and snuggled deeper in it.His head was resting in the crook of the younger's neck and his legs were tangled with Jaemin's.

Jaemin looked at the sleeping male with a judging stare.

I don't like this..he's too clingy..I can't even breathe..fuck my life..


《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now