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"What is that dumbass doing?" Mark frowned

"From the looks of it..he seems to be spying on someone..But you're so stupid that you couldn't even figure that out..your non-existent brain never fails to amaze me" Donghyuck smacked Mark's head

"Yah! I'm your hyung! Respect me!" Mark whined

"Respect my ass..let's just find out who Jeno is spying.."

"Waaaahhhahahahahah!!" Chenle laughed

"Yah! Chenle is so loud! Why are you laughing for?!" Donghyuck glared at the breathless boy

"Jisung is running after me! Renjun save me" Chenle exclaimed as he saw an angry Jisung approach them.

"Why is he following you?" Renjun raised his eyebrows

"I-I..H-he caught m-me staring at his abs!" Chenle burried his burning face in his hands.

"Ooooooohhhhhhh" they all said teasingly

"Zhong Chenle! Get your ass back here!" Jisung screamed in the distance

"Oops..gotta blast"

Chenle ran away screaming.

"They are idiots.." Donghyuck sighed

"You're the one to talk? Hyuck,you're literally the dumbest person I know." Mark smirked

"Ooooooooohhh buuuurn!" Renjun laughed

"You have 5 seconds to run Lee Mark.."  Donghyuck cracked his fingers as he slowly stood up

"Uh and that's a long ass ride!" The older yelled and ran away at full speed

"These dorks.." Renjun shook his head with a small smile on his face


Jeno carefully tip-toed as his eyes followed Jaemin's every movement.

Apparently,Jeno became curious about Jaemin.From the looks of it,the younger was hiding something,and he wanted to know everything.

Maybe the cold attitude was just a facade?

Jeno noticed that the brown haired boy left the school and made his way towards his house.

"Why is he going home? We still have classes" he frowned but kept following him

When Jaemin arrived in his room,he quickly dressed in some casual clothes and sat on the bed.

Little did he know that Jeno was struggling to climb his wall and stare at him from the window.

Jaemin carefully pulled his teddy bear out and smiled softly.

"Hey Taro..I missed you buddy"

When he saw the unexpected smile that made his heart flutter furiously,Jeno fell with a loud thud.

"Fuckin' hell!" he cursed loudly,making Jaemin stand up abruptly

"Jeno? What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Nothing bro..just chillin'"

"Are you okay?"

"Uhm yeah! I'm seeing stars,but overall..I'm good" Jeno shook his head as he tried to sit up but he fell back down.

"Dumbass.." Jaemin sighed and went outside.

He carried the older to his room and put him on the bed.

"So..tell me why are you here" Jaemin frowned

"Uhm..I saw you leaving and I followed you" Jeno rubbed his nape nervously

"You spyed me didn't you?"

"W-what?! No..what are you talking about?"

"Don't lie..I already know"

"But how?! What are you? Please tell me you don't have super powers-"

"I just knew it.."

"You're weird"

"You're dumb"

"So..I wanted to ask you some things" Jeno mumbled

Jaemin raised his eyebrows and urged the older.

"First..sometimes you use to act different..your attitude changes drastically.You become aggressive and you tend to be a pervert.Why is that?" Jeno noticed how stiff the younger became

"No need for you to know.." Jaemin looked down

"Maybe I'll tell you when I trust you enough.." he added

"Okay..second..when we kissed..did you feel something? Did it mean something to you?" Jeno blushed furiously

Jaemin suddenly choked and looked away.

"To be honest..it made me feel some type of way.."


《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now