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A/N So,first of all,I had no intention of writing a sequel,therefore this is not written by me.The actual writer of this sequel is btsxsugakookies so make sure to congratulate her and follow her for writing this :) So without further ado,enjoy the sequel!

Do you remember that girl Jeno pushed?

My books scattered across the floor, but that wasn’t even the best part of this memory. The moment I was shoved to the ground, I saw the face of someone who saw others’ emotions as a game where you push them to their limit.

I was only in the way of his locker, since it was next to mine. Lockers at the school were incredibly close together. He was an impatient little shit who had a temper whenever the little king didn’t get his way.

“Yah, move your fat ass,” Jeno slammed his hand on the lockers, trapping me between my own and his body.

As an incredibly stubborn person, I didn’t like to be pushed around. Although at the same time, I didn’t want to deal with a pathetic loser like him.

“I can’t move if you’re blocking my way,” I said in monotone.

He smirked, “Kiss me first, then I’ll move--”

I kneed him in the no no zone and pushed him away. Jeno groaned, holding his precious parts as I grabbed my books.

“Learn how to resist the urge to fuck anything with legs,” I glared at him and turned to walk away.

Being Lee Jeno, he hated being put down like that. His goal was to be the king that took control of everyone and everything. He wasn’t about to let some stubborn girl humiliate him.

As I was walking away, I felt hands gripping the roots of my hair. The force pulled my body to the floor, but I held my hand over his, digging my nails into them. Jeno immediately let go, but pushed me with all his might. His shove sent my books flying and my body straight to the floor. My head made contact with the solid concrete. I grit my teeth from the impact. The pain was dull at first, but expanded into a sharp pain that filled my head.

“I’ll show you what happens when you fuck with me, bitch,” he raised a hand to slap me.

Blood dripped from my mouth. Iron was all I could taste. My eyes watered, but my mind didn’t want me to show signs of weakness.

What if he had a soft side? There’s only one way to find out.

I let the tears flow down my cheeks. I let him see the weakness in my eyes. I wanted him to feel my pain.

Unfortunately, you need the right people to change a person. I wasn’t included in that category.

A crowd of students started to surround us. All of them found amusement in my pain. Jeno’s presence made things worse for me as well.

His eyes showed nothing but pure sadism to what he was about to do. My heart began to pound out of my chest. I had never felt this kind of fear in my entire life. For once, I truly feared the boy in front of me. He was carrying out his motion. I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for him to inflict his anger on me, just like my dad did.

“Leave her alone,” a deep voice said flatly.

I open my eyes to see a boy in black standing in front of me. His hair was honey colored and a familiar silver earring dangled from his earlobe.

《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now